Tuesday, October 24, 2023

October 23, 2023

 Monday October 23, 2023

Blog time 1335, sitting in office

Up this morning at our usual 0730.  Fixed an oatmeal breakfast w/blueberries.

Nancy packed her swim gear in her bag and we headed to MVP.

The pool was not crowded but the main workout area was jammed.  Don't these young adults have a job?

Anticipating no bike ride today because of a 1420 dental appointment I increased my time on stationary bike to 15 minutes.

We headed straight to Panera after MVP.  I bought us a bagel and croissant to go with the coffee.  Spent an hour reading the local papers.  

On way home we stopped at Forest Hills Foods to get a bottle of prune juice (light).  FHF did not have.  Neither did Meijer's when checked yesterday.

At home I got caught up on my blogs.  I have a 1420 dental appointment today.  Left at 1400 and spent only 5 minutes waiting.  Today a permanent crown was installed.  It took 40 minutes.

After the dentist I headed to D&W.  Luckily D&W had the Light Prune Juice that I like.  Bought 3 bottles.

Tonight we attended "Happy Hour", light attendance.  We had dinner tonight in the Main Dining hall.  Our table mates were Lars and Doris Larson who are summer residents of Beaver Island.  Nancy and I had the dinner special, a shrimp, rice medley. 

Tonight we watched another two episodes of "Young Wallander". We should finish the series on Tuesday.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and read the WSJ.  Not much of interest that I want to comment on.  

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