Monday, October 23, 2023

October 22, 2023

Sunday October 22, 2023

Blog time 1330 on Monday 

Sunday morning got up early, 0700.  Dressed for church and fixed an oatmeal breakfast.  Looks like a sunny day ahead.  Temperature to start in 30s but should reach 50s later.

Church was very crowded today.  Pastor Bob gave a great Homily on peace in the world.  Very timely.

Every Sunday the Church ladies proved snacks.  We overindulged on cookies.  

After church we took our Sunday drive through rural areas.  Today we headed north.  Fall colors are now at their peak.

Stopped at Meijer's for supplies.  The store's shelves were not fully stocked.

This afternoon I took an 8 mile bike ride.  Usually I stop at the Burton St bridge that is undergoing renovations.  The closure of the bridge is a major inconvenience for folks at Cook Valley.  Noted some progress but don't expect bridge to open before Thanksgiving.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me a lean cuisine meal.  We watched the news followed by another episode of "Young Wallendar".  We were both in bed by 2130.

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