Saturday, October 21, 2023

October 20, 2023

Friday October 20, 2023

Up this morning at 0800.  I had a fitful night.  My arm was very sore from Thursday's covid shot.

Nancy had another problem.  She could not sleep.  I said it was from all the chocolate she ate last night.  The caffeine in chocolate will inhibit sleep.  No MVP for Nancy today.  She is staying in bed.

I did all my calisthenics at home today, no MVP.  Nancy was still in bed so I went to Panera by myself.  Temperature in 40s with light rain.

At Panera I ordered a scone and coffee.   Spent an hour reading the local Michigan papers.

At home I changed into bike clothes and took a 7 mile ride.  The heavy rain had stopped only a light mist.  I noted the colors were at peak.

I had a light lunch followed by a nap.  Tonight Nancy and I attended Happy Hour.  We had dinner in the main dining.  Very small crowd.  Both Nancy and I had the shrimp cocktail.

Tonight we watched another episode of "Young Wallendar".  Good show.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and read the WSJ.  I don't like the new format for the WSJ.   

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