Sunday, October 15, 2023

October 13, 2023

 Friday the 13th.  I woke up this morning with a bad cold.  It will be a two hanky day.  Fixed oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast. 

Nancy and I drove to MVP.  I did my routine at 50%, after the work out I took a nice hot shower.  As I was getting dressed I could not find my iWatch.  Looked every where.  The staff said they would call me if the watch was found.  As I was leaving I thought my sock was bunched in my shoe.  Took off shoe and “lo and behold” my iWatch was in my shoe.  

We had our morning coffee at Panera.  Panera was very cold so we left without doing any reading.

At home I took a long nap.  My cold was getting worse so I stayed in bed.

Nancy had dinner with the Moores after the all played Mexican Train.  This evening I watched an episode of “Pacific” on Netflix.  Tonight’s episode was about the battle at “Guadalcanal”.  The first major land battle.  While watching all I could remember was a Navy Chief telling me about driving a landing craft.  He said he never so scared.

After Nancy got home I took several Tylenol and headed to bed.

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