Friday, October 20, 2023

October 19, 2023

 Thursday October 19, 2023

Blog time 1620, sitting in office.

I overslept this morning. Did not get up until nearly 0800.

Did the at home calisthenics routine, followed by breakfast of yogurt with granola.  Rain predicted for most of day.  Temp in low 50s when we headed out.

I have a locker at MVP so I put on workout clothes.  Nancy put her workout clothes on at home.

Nancy was already doing her treadmill routine when I arrived.  After her treadmill she will ride the stationary bike.

I did my standard calisthenics.  No outside bike today so I used the stationary bike for 15 minutes.  After completing my routine I showered.

Nancy was waiting for me when I entered MVP’S lobby.  Drove to Panera for our morning coffee.  We were both hungry so I ordered two croissants.  Left Panera at noon and headed home.

At home I called Forest Hills Food about getting a Covid shot.  They said come in at 1415.  We arrived at 1410.  Short wait before getting our shot.

This evening Nancy and I are attending an opening of a new exhibit at Meijer Garden.  We drove to the Gardens in pouring rain.  The exhibit is called “Forest of Dreams: Contemporary Tree Sculptures”.

 For refreshments we bought cookies from the snack bar.  

The lecture started at 1800 and ran an hour. I gave it a C.  When the lecture ended we walked around the exhibit.  It took about 15 minutes.  We were home at 1930.  Watched a Netflix show before turning in.

Both Nancy and my arms were sore from the Covid shot.  Stay tuned for tomorrow’s report on our restless night.

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