Sunday, October 29, 2023

October 28, 2023

 Saturday October 28, 2023

Blog time 1830 on Sunday

Helen and Sally were up about 0800.  They did not want breakfast.  Headed straight to their meeting.

Nancy and I followed our normal Saturday routine.  Breakfast at “The Gathering Place” followed by a quick stop at Panera.

We have been having a stretch of freaky weather.  Temps in the 60s with scattered rain daily.  It has limited my bike riding.  However, today temperature was in 40s which is normal.  I found time to take a 10 mile bike ride.  I wore my summer bike clothes. I was very cold.

Helen and Sally returned to Cook Valley about 1500.  They said about 200 folks attended their meeting.  

This afternoon Helen’s Granddaughter Paige and husband Mike visited with their new baby boy Kingston.  Helen, Sally, and Nancy had a chance to hold the baby.  Good times.

Interesting that neither Mike or Paige had never heard of the Kingston Trio.  We sang some of the Trio’s hits and it did not register.  

For dinner tonight we drove to NO-CO.  The place was not very crowded.  We did not see any senior citizens.  We all had a sandwich and wine.  The food was good but not great.  What does that mean?

After dinner we sat in the living room and had a nice conversation.  Nancy and I seldom sit and talk with other folks, so we enjoyed the past two evenings.

Every one was in bed by 2130, except me.  I stayed up and read the WSJ.

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