Friday, October 13, 2023

October 12, 2023

Thursday October 12, 2023

Up this morning at 0730.  The temperature was in low 50s.  Cloudy but no rain today.  

We both quickly dressed.  I had yogurt for breakfast.  Nancy and I went together to MVP.  Nancy did the treadmill and stationary bike.  I did pull/chin ups, 100 sit-ups, 50 push ups using perfect push up bars. Rode 15 minutes on stationary bike.

After the workout I showered, applied lotion and dressed.  Nancy was waiting in the entrance hall for me.  We drove to Panera for our morning coffee and croissant.  We spent time talking before heading home.

At home I put on warm bike  clothes and headed out.  Today I rode 8 miles.  No time for a nap this afternoon.

We attended 1600 Happy Hour.  Happy Hour lately has been well attended.  20 folks last night.  We had dinner in the Main Dining room.  Our dinner guests were the Sebastians.  Jim Sebastian was a friend of Steve Fletcher from Alpena.  

Following dinner Nancy and I played Bingo.  Nancy won $4. No TV tonight.  Missy did call tonight.  We had a nice talk.

This and that:

POTUS appears very confused.  Most of his comments on current events come out garbled.

Speaking of garbled, the House GOP cannot elect a leader.  House of idiots!

Israel sure was unprepared for the Hamas invasion. I think it is going to get nasty.

I am feeling a cold coming on so I headed to bed without reading the WSJ. Stay tuned.

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