Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday May 1, 2012

Both Nancy and I have been slightly under the weather this week. I think our stomachs are finally getting back to normal. I slept in until 0650 this morning. At the MAC I did my tri for the first time in 2 1/2 weeks. The swimming was ok but the rowing and running were a struggle. I did not leave the MAC until 1130. I did read the WSJ but not the DFP at the Kava House. I am very uncomfortable with the President praising his decision to send in the Seals. I hope the presidential race does not get into a "mine is bigger than yours" type of race. Military decisions should not be made to prove that you are the tough guy. The use of the military in Vietnam and Iraq were made to show how tough the President was. Not good. I did not get home until 1330. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs and took a long nap. After the nap I walked Ms P around the block. Tonight we will take our 1 mile walk and then watch NCIS. We are entering our long day time of year. The sunsets at 2044 this evening and at 2126 on June 23. I love these long days. April 30, 1961, 51 years ago I wrote a letter to mother. I was working in Detroit. I told Mother that on Wednesday I raised my hand and was sworn into the US Navy. I am leaving on May 15 for OCS at Newport, RI. OSC is a 4 month program and hopefully on September 15 I will be commissioned an Ensign in the US Navy. On Sunday I was going to go to Albion to see Helen. I must be thinking of taking a bus because I did not have a car. The previous weekend I had seen two movies. "Mein Kauf" on Friday and "Raisin in the Sun" on Saturday. When I leave for the Navy I will be debt free and have the prescribed amount of money for OCS. On April 22 I had turned 23. Despite having to go into the military, life was good for a 23 year old single guy.

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