Saturday, May 12, 2012

Friday May 11, 2012

Ms P was up before 0500 today. I wonder if she senses that today she is going to Kim's house for the next week. I slept in until 0700. Today I am starting to wind down. I must be well rested for our big trip to NYC next week. I did all my routines at 50%. I did read the WSJ and DFP at the Kava House. I got home about 1300 and Kim was still cleaning. I think Ms P now knows that she is going to Kim's. When Kim was ready to go Ms P jumped in the car and away they went. I started cutting the grass at 1400 and was completed at 1500. I think the yard look good. In fact I took a walk around the neighborhood and I don't think the hood' has ever looked better. Nancy had some sandwiches left over from book club so we had them for dinner. We also finished the cheese cake. I took a short walk after dinner. I spent some time on google earth locating places of interest in NYC. We watched the NYC CSI show and tried to find some NYC land marks. 2200 and we headed upstairs.

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