Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday May 29, 2012

Thunder storms rolled through after midnight. Ms P went bonkers so we headed to Debbie's room and I turned up the country western radio station and shut the door. After about 20 minutes she ran out of steam and fell asleep on the floor. We went out at 0500 and the storm had passed. I slept in until 0730. When I headed to the MAC the temperature was in the high 60s. Yesterday it was in the 80s. The weather folks say it is going to be a nice sunny day with temps in the high 70s. They were right. I did my tri today and did not leave the MAC until 1130. At the Kava House I read the WSJ and DFP. I spent some time reading about the problems in Syria and also the Greek financial mess. I got home about 1330. After lunch I loaded my AT bike on the rack and headed to GR Bicycle Co. I am having them remove a chain guard I had installed last fall. The chain guard becomes dirty and the dirt rubs off on the bottom of my pant leg. I have to wear a pant guard to prevent damage to the pant leg. The chain guard was useless. Nancy is grilling me a chicken breast for dinner. Tonight she is collecting dues from our neighbors. I will take Ms P for a walk. I have to be in bed early tonight because tomorrow I have breakfast club.

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