Friday, May 25, 2012

Thursday May 24, 2012

Ms P slept in until 0530 this morning. I slept in until 0700. The weather folks said it was going to reach the upper 80s today. However, it was only 60 when I left this morning. I over dressed because I was sweating profusely by the time I got to the MAC. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my tri days, row, run, swim. For the summer I am adding several Monday and Friday routines to the T and Th schedule. On M and F instead of going to the MAC I am going to either go kayaking or for a bike ride. Usually I only spend two hours kayaking or biking so I might actually get done earlier. Of course if it rains I will revert back to the normal schedule and go to the MAC. I got home at 1300 and the temperature had climbed to 83⁰. This afternoon Nancy and I with Ms P drove to the Countryside Nursery to purchase some hanging baskets and tomato plants. It is now 1508 and I just woke up from a short unintended nap. I fell asleep in my chair. This evening we are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. GLS was nearly empty. We were told that several school districts had closed schools on Friday to give the kids a 4 day weekend. Maybe everyone is out of town. When we got home we walked Ms P around the block. We watched "Person of Interest" and then headed to bed.

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