Saturday, May 26, 2012

Friday May 25, 2012

Ms P went out at 0530 and I got up at 0700. I did not row today instead I got on my bike and pedaled to Ada. It was a great day for a ride. The total trip was 19 miles and it took 1h45'. I got to the Kava House a little after 1000. This is about 1 hour faster than if I had gone to the MAC. I read the WSJ and DFP. The DFP reported that the Detroit City Council and Mayor have agreed on a budget. The budget includes substantial cuts. Maybe, finally Detroit will get its house in order. I got home about 1200. After a quick lunch Nancy and I headed to Costco. We left Ms P with our cleaning lady, Kim. We needed paper products and peanut butter. Nancy also is getting some film processed from our trip to NYC. We stopped at Aldi's to get some strawberries. Tonight we are going to an OHNA TGIF and Nancy was making a dish with strawberries. The party starts at 1830 and it is a perfect night for a party outside. This time of year the sun does not go down until after 2100. (continued Saturday evening) The TGIF was well attended. The food was very good. Nancy and I got home at 2130 and I stayed up and watched an old James Bond movie on TV.

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