Friday, May 11, 2012

Wednesday May 9, 2012

Wednesday my easy but today Nancy and I are busy. I have a GRBA meeting at 1400, a Drs appointment at 1530 and this evening Nancy and I are going to Meijer's Gardens for their annual Auction. Also, Nancy has to work at the Gardens this afternoon. It was sprinkling went I left this morning so I put on my rain suit. I pedaled to Bill's for their oatmeal breakfast. After breakfast I pedaled around Reeds Lake. This afternoon the GRBA meeting was held at the Paul Phillips Gym. The city is renovating the gym for use as a youth center. The city has contracted with the Boys and Girls club to operate the facility. The Grand Opening is June 4. The doctor, Dr Sprik, I saw today is an ear, nose and throat doc. I have a sinus infection like I had last year. The Doc gave me a prescription and I headed to Meijer's to get it filled. When I got home it was time for Bob and Nancy to get dressed and head to Meijer's Garden for the annual Auction. This is a fund raiser for the Gardens. They are also having a sit down dinner. Nancy said 400 folks attended. We purchased two bottles of wine and a mystery envelope. We paid $25 for each item. In the envelope we got a $25 gift certificate. We did not know the value of the wine until we got home and unwrapped the bottles. Wine values varied from $10-$100. Our wine was valued at $11 and $18. We also bid on an African Safari. The trip was valued at $4,700. There was not much interest when the bidding started so I bid $3,000 and then $3,500. My last bid was $4,000 but alas someone bid $4,700 and won. A good time was had by all and all proceeds went to the Gardens.

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