Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday April 2, 2012

I have read several of my recent posts and find them boring. Does anyone really want to know that I took Ms P out at 0500? I will discontinue reporting on Ms P's daily bowel movements. Today I had breakfast club so I set the alarm for 0600. I got to the meeting at 0655 and the place was empty. However, at 0705 40 folks had arrived. This morning they had biscuits and gravy on the menu. I had two helpings. The speaker today talked about epilepsy. The subject matter was very interesting. After BC I headed downtown to look at a new bike store on Monroe Center and also to vote. Us old folks can vote early. The bike store was not yet open so I could only look in the window. I will revisit the store later. I also stopped at Rylee's, Bill and Paul's and Groskopfs. I did purchase a wide brimmed hat at Groskopfs. I bought a metal grinder at Lowe's and a pair of summer pants at Gazelle Sports. I had coffee at D&W in Breton Village. I read the WSJ. I wanted to purchase a case of Bud that was on sale. The store would not sell it to me without their special card. I hate all these special cards so I left the case on the counter. I showed them! When I got home it was 1300 so I had a quick lunch and then took Ms P around the block. I then headed to Meijer's to buy a case of BUD. Meijer's price was the same as D&W's sale price. We were suppose to have heavy thunder showers and rain today. It did not happen. It was sunny with temps in the 80s. I needed some exercise so I strapped on my GPS and went on a 4.15 mile walk. I averaged 19'30" per mile. Nancy had to work at the Gardens this afternoon. She did volunteer us to work at several summer concerts. We like to work the concerts because the work is easy and we get to see the concert for free. We did purchase tickets for the Emily Lou Harris concert. After dinner we went on a one mile walk. I then headed upstairs to read the GRP. We will watch some TV before heading to bed.

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