Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tuesday May 8, 2012

The rain has finally stopped. However, it was very foggy when Ms P and I went out at 0500. I did not get up until 0700. Tuesday and it is my tri day. I rowed 3267 meters in 15', ran 1.5 miles in 15'40" and swam 750 yards in 23'. These are average times for me. I did not get to the Kava House until 1200. I spent a lot of time reading about the new governments in France and Greece. Everyone likes to speculate but I don't think anyone knows the eventual outcome. I had lunch about 1400 and then had to run some errands. First to the PO and then to the bank. At the bank some young men wanted me to sign a petition for stopping the new bridge to Canada. I told them I supported the bridge and that voter referendums are not what representative democracy is about. We elect folks to make these tough decisions. If we don't like their vote we don't vote for them in the next election. They did not like advice from an old man. About 1700 we took our nightly one mile walk. Nancy fixed be a pork steak with dressing for dinner. It was tasty. After dinner I was drinking beer, reading the GRP and watching the TV news when I spilled my beer. I cannot multi task. Missy and AJ skyped us last night. It was good to see and hear them. We watched the NCIS shows and at 2130 headed to bed.

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