Saturday, May 12, 2012

Thursday May 10, 2012

Thursday morning and I did all my normal routine at both home and the MAC. It took me longer to read the WSJ today because I am trying to figure out what is happening in Europe. I still wonder if I should worry about what happens in Europe? The DFP has not been very active in reporting on the problems in Detroit. I think everyone is sitting back and hoping that cool heads will prevail. The problems are so serious that the folks in power have no wiggle room. This afternoon after lunch I headed to Meijer's to pick up my prescription. I am taking an anti biotic and Meijer's gives this medicine away free. I also went to Costco to get a box of eye drops. This evening Nancy has book club at our house. She was busy all afternoon getting everything ready. Tom Moleski dropped Linda off for book club and then I got in his car and we headed to Uccello's for beer and pizza. We got back home about 2000 and book club was still going on. Tom and I helped ourselves to some cheesecake and strawberries. It was great. Book club ended at 2130.

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