Saturday, May 12, 2012

Saturday May 12, 2012

The alarm went off at 0626 and Nancy got up but I slept in until 0700. It was sprinkling when I started biking to Bill's for breakfast. It was a very light sprinkle so I did not get very wet. I had the big breakfast today, eggs, toast, potatoes and sausage. It was raining a little harder when I left so I headed straight home. I immediately headed upstairs to start packing. I did get side track and spent some time rearranging the shelves in my bathroom. I threw out a lot of over-the -counter medicines whose expiration date had passed. I also got rid of all the free samples that doctors had given me over the years. I am getting better at packing. I even had room left over. I am carry some of Nancy's stuff so we only have to check 1 bag. American AA charges for checked bags. I thought I needed some more exercise so I rode my bike around Reeds Lake, a distance of 7.5 miles. This evening Nancy and I had dinner at Russ's. We both had the soup and burger. It will be an early night because we have to get up early to catch our flight. Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there.

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