Thursday, April 5, 2012

Wednesday April 4, 2012

April 4 and I am trying to think which of my grade school buddies had a birthday today. I hate it when I don't have total recall. Today I had breakfast club. We had a small turnout. I think a lot of folks are still in warmer climes. The speaker was from GR Opera. On my way home I stopped and got a coffee. I will check plans until 1130 when I will get on my bike and head to the MAC for a swim.

2000: I got to the MAC at noon and was surprised how crowded the pool was. I had to share a lane. I swam 750 yards. When I got home I ate a quick lunch and then did some outside chores before resuming my plan checking. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. she said they had 4700 folks come through this afternoon.

Tonight was cereal night. After dinner we went on our nightly walk. I checked our walk mileage using my bike speedometer and it is exactly 1.0 miles. Tonight we will watch some TV before turning in. We watched Burn Notice and then headed to bed. Today was a beautiful Spring day.

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