Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sunday April 8, 2012

Saturday: I got up at 0630 and got dressed and biked to Bill's for their oatmeal. Nancy was fixing breakfast for Missy and AJ because they had to get ready for the Easter egg hunt put on by the OHNA. I got home after nine and AJ was still in bed. At 1015 everyone except me headed to the school where the hunt was taking place. I soon followed. It was a great day for an outdoor activity, sunny and cool but not too cool. AJ had fun gathering eggs and she got to play with some kids from the neighborhood.

I was out of apples so I got in the C2 and headed to Horricks. The place was jammed. I got enough apples to last until we head to CA later this month. I spent some time this afternoon checking plans.

Sunday 1610: Nancy fixed a ham dinner for us last night. In addition to the ham we had potatoes and asparagus with apple strudel and ice cream for dessert. We also opened a bottle of wine that we purchased last year at an event at Meijer's Garden. It was a pleasant evening.

Easter Sunday: I got up at 0655 and was going to go swimming before AJ got up. However, she was stirring so I just stopped by the MAC to put next week's gym clothes in my locker. When I got home AJ had just finished finding all the eggs Nancy and Missy had hid around the house. I bought coffee for Missy and me at Starbucks. Nancy said breakfast was going to be delayed so I had time for a quick swim. I headed back to the MAC and swam 750 yards in record time (for me). We had Nancy's world famous poached eggs for breakfast along with fruit and English muffins. AJ, Ms P and I walked around the block after breakfast. I spent some time reading the paper and finished checking plans. Missy and AJ left for Ohio about 1500. I finished my project and then paid my state and city taxes. I walked to the post office to mail the tax bills.

While Missy was here she explained her upcoming move to CA. The move will take place in late May. I will drive Missy's car out and Nancy will watch AJ in MI while Missy gets her place ready. Nancy and AJ will then fly out. Nancy and I will fly back to Mi after everyone is settled.

Tonight we are having ham sandwiches and fried brown skin potatoes. We will watch 60 minutes before retiring.

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