Sunday, April 15, 2012

Saturday April 14, 2012

Without an alarm clock Nancy got up at 0630 and got ready for the MAC. I slept in until 0700 and then got dressed and headed to Bill's for breakfast. It was quite mild this morning, mid 40s, but it felt like rain.

The WSJ will not stop reporting on the mysterious death of the Brit Neil Heywood in China. They think it is a political scandal of the first order. I am puzzled why? It doesn't seem important to me. I also read another WSJ article on how difficult it would be for the US Navy to defend the Strait of Hormuz if Iran should decide to block shipping. The Strait is only 24 miles wide and clearing mines would be hard. Also the narrow strait is ideal for small naval craft like those used by Iran's navy.

The June recall election in WI of their governor is going to be really nasty. Most of the money pro and con is coming from out of state. I am on the Governor's side. He made some difficult but needed decisions. President Obama is attending a hemispheric summit in Colombia. While the President wants to talk about trade most of the countries want to talk about the US's failed antidrug policies. I agree that our war on drugs has failed. I think we should legalize drugs.

After breakfast I rode around Reeds Lake. I put 12 miles on the bike. Nancy and I are going to Costco at noon today. We will also stop at Target and Staples. Tonight we are attending a dinner at the Moleski's. The 100 year anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic is the theme.

Costco was very crowded. We had a Costco hot dog for lunch. When we got home I went on a two mile walk and took a short nap. The dinner at the Moleski's was great. The menu was the same of the last menu on the Titanic, second class. Several folks even dressed in period clothes. We were home by 2130.

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