Saturday, April 14, 2012

Friday April 13, 2012

Ms P got up at 0430. This will be her last day with Bob and Nancy for two weeks. Kim's daughter will watch after her. It was in the mid 30s this morning. Today is Friday the 13th. So the first thing I did when I got out of the MAC was to purchase a lotto ticket. The only time I ever won anything was with ticket number 13. I won a Jeep in a raffle in 1956.

I took my time reading the papers this morning. Kim is cleaning the house this morning. Yes the Kim who will take care of Ms P. Ms P loves Kim and her daughter.

The City Council of Detroit is finally realizing the severity of their financial problems. The problems in North Korea and Syria are really serious. I hope they do not do anything rash.

This afternoon I tried to buy a square steel bar 1.5" x 15". At Alro Steel they said the bar would cost $75 and I probably could get a better deal at Central Steel. They were right the bar cost $5 at Central. Tonight Nancy and I are going out to dinner. Nancy wants to go some place that has soft food. Her root canal is still bothering her.

We had dinner at Pietro's. It was very crowded. When we got home we went on our nightly 1 mile walk. Nancy headed upstairs at 2100 and told her I was on my way. I was just going to make a quick run through the channels. I saw that the movie O'Brother Where Art Thou". I watched for about 30 minutes. I love the music in the movie.

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