Friday, April 6, 2012

Thursday April 5, 2012

It was cold this morning. Frost warnings were up but thankfully it did not freeze. When I left for the MAC the sun was shining brightly. Today I did my tri. My 1.5 mile run time keeps going up. Today my time was 15'50". I am really getting slow. However, my swim time for 750 yards is going down. Despite the bright sun it was still cold when I left for the Kava House. The City of Detroit and State of Mi have reached an agreement on putting in place an committee that will have power to get Detroit's financial house in order. Speaking of Detroit today is the first day of the baseball season. Spring is really here.

Doing the tri on Tuesday and Thursday really wipes me out. I had to take a short nap this afternoon. Tonight Missy and AJ are coming for the Easter weekend. We expect them about 2100. Nancy and I will have dinner at Great Lakes Shipping this evening.

We did have dinner at Great Lakes and the place was not very busy. Spring Break! When we home we hitched up Ms P and went on our 1 mile walk. We watched a "Person of Interest" and at 2200 Missy and AJ arrived. We all headed upstairs at 2230.

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