Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tuesday April 3, 2012

Ms P and I went out at 0445 and the stars were shining bright. About 0530 a thunder storm rolled through and Ms P went bonkers. She was so hyper that Nancy went downstairs and gave her a pill. When I headed downstairs to do my exercises I usually shut the door so Ms P will not bug me. Today she was so afraid of all the thunder that I let her in. She was a royal pain but towards the end of my routine she seemed to settle down. Could be the pill?

I drove to the MAC because I do not bike in an electrical storm. Today is a swim day but the pool was closed because of the lightning. I ended up at the Kava House. I did not have time to completely read the WSJ because I only had an hour on the parking meter.

It was such a gloomy day that I took a short nap after lunch. I spent the rest of the afternoon in my office checking plans. Nancy fixed a pork steak for dinner. Last month I bought a case of Sam Adams beer at Costco. The case included several brands of their beer. I like the Boston Lager. At 1900 we all went on a 0.9 mile walk. We then read the GRP and watched NCIS and NCIS LA before going to bed. Both shows were reruns.

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