Monday, April 16, 2012

Sunday April 15, 2012

The alarm goes off at 0656 and we got right up. Today we are starting our wind-down for our trip. Instead of swimming 30 laps we swam 24. We still followed our Sunday routine. I filled the Taurus up and gas was $3.95 per gallon. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. After reading several sections of the GRP I headed upstairs for my nap. After the nap I finished packing for CA. We have been checking the weather in CA and I hope I got the right clothing. After packing I went on a 1.5 mile walk.

This evening Nancy is fixing hot dogs and we will supplement the dogs with items from the refrigerator. We will take our nightly 1 mile walk. Nancy likes the walk because we must be able to walk several miles when we go on our Elderhostel trip to NYC.

It was a great evening for a walk. We watched the TV show with Kathy Bates and then headed upstairs. We are expecting heavy rains tonight. I hope Ms P does not make Kim's life miserable when it starts thundering and lightning.

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