Friday, April 13, 2012

Thursday April 12, 2012

Ms P had to go out at 0400. It was cold about 30. When I got ready to go to the MAC the sun was out but the weather folks said it was still below freezing. I saw no evidence of frost. Today I did my tri. This will be the last time for several weeks.

I stopped at Macatawa Bank to do some business before heading to the Kava House. The WSJ has really zeroed in on the trials and tribulations of ousted Chinese Communist party leader Bo Xilai and his wife. They are being investigated in the strange death of a Brit named Neil Haywood. It reads like a soap opera. I skip over all the USA political articles. I do read about all the political situations in Europe. How did some European countries get themselves in such a pickle? The only way it seems to get some financial relief is to get concessions for public employees. Give backs are very difficult. The problems that Margaret Thatcher had in the UK is a good example. I do not think there are any current European leaders with Ms Thatcher's guts. I loved the movie.

This afternoon I spent outside working on my new improved kayak rack. This morning Nancy had a root canal. Not anyone's favorite dental procedure. Tomorrow morning she will have another one. (I got that wrong she will get her root canal on Monday)

Tonight we will have dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. We will take our mile walk and then watch "Person of Interest". Person of Interest was changed from 2100 to 2200 so I did not watch it.

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