Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Monday April 9, 2012

The weather man said it was going to be a nice windy day. No rain until late this evening or Tuesday. I have not cut the grass in two week so mowing is my chore for today. The day started at 0500 when I took Ms P out. I took it easy on the rowing and running today to save energy for cutting the grass. The WSJ had an article on how some of the largest US firms have survived the recession by trimming and cutting. They have emerged stronger and more efficient than ever. Productivity per man-hour has increased dramatically. Another article on Venezuela's Presidents health problems and how nobody really knows his status. He is up for reelection this fall. The USA would certainly like a Venezuela without Chavez.

I got home about 1230 and after a quick lunch I headed outside to cut the grass. Ms P also came out with me. I think I must have thrown the ball for her about 50 times. I must say that my throwing has improved this Spring. Some of the weather folks are predicting snow flurries in the next couple of days. I don't believe it. This afternoon Nancy went to the dentist and found out she needed two root canals. The work is scheduled for this Thursday.

We will have a light dinner this evening and then watch the news and go on our evening stroll. The TV season is now over, I think. It is a good thing because folks should spend more time outside. Today the sun came up at 0710 and will set a 2018. I love this time of year.

April 9, 1961, fifty one years ago: I wrote my mother a short letter from Detroit. I told Mom that I had a busy week. Thursday evening I went to a Civil Engineering meeting. Saturday I attended a Polish wedding. On Sunday I took the bus over to my dad's Uncle John's house for lunch. Uncle John Scott was a character. He was a construction superintendent for a large contractor in the Detroit area. He was involved in the construction of many auto plants in Detroit. He was also the superintendent on the construction of the "BIG HOUSE" at UM. His son John, a bachelor, who also attended the lunch was an attorney for Detroit Edison in Detroit. Cousin Johnny was big on his Scottish heritage. He played the bag pipes and was in a local bag pipe band. His idea of a big Saturday night was to put on his kilt and play his bag pipe at the Hall of the Scottish Rites. We had Scotch pie and tea for lunch. I told Mom that I needed khaki pants and socks for my birthday. It had snowed today and was quite sloppy outside. I told Mom that I was working on a project for dredging Alpena harbor.

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