Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday April 30, 2012

The last day of April. Where does the time go? I took Ms P out at 0500 and then went back to bed and got up at 0700. It was raining this morning so I drove the C2 to the MAC. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. Nancy bought me a Kava House gift card for my birthday so I started using it. When I take the car to the Kava House the parking meter limits my stay to 55 minutes. I did not finish the WSJ or start the DFP. I don't think I missed much. After a quick lunch I started doing some chores. I had five heavy yard bags that I took down to the curb. I also moved my road bike up from the basement to the garage. I also swept out the garage. I ran several errands. I stopped at Rylee's hardware to purchase two rafter hangers so I can store the road bike overhead. I then stopped at Central Steel and purchased some steel tubing for my kayak rack. Next I stopped at Costco to get gas and purchase some Gillette fusion blades. At Home Depot I wanted to purchase a metal grinder but they did not have any. I stopped at Gander Mountain to see if they had any comfort waist pants. They did not. I also stopped at Grand Rapids Lighting to purchase a 3 way light bulb for the really old floor lamp I am using in the basement. They did have the bulbs. I got two. When I got home I put up the rafter hangers and hung up my road bike. I also put in the 3 way bulb and that worked just fine. This evening if the rain stops we will take our mile walk. 1944: The rain did stop and we went on our walk. I am sitting in the office reading the e version of the GRP. 26 APR 62, letter from Ensign Scott, Assistant Director of Public Works, Midway Island Naval Station to his mother. Fifty years ago I wrote mother to tell her that I had been in the Navy one year and on Midway Island 5 months. I thanked her for the candy she sent for my birthday. I also mentioned that my Grandmother Scott had sent a letter saying that she had seen robins in her garden. I was hoping to take a leave around 1AUG62. I wanted to go to Hawaii. I mentioned that a lot of high tech folks were now on the Island. They were going to monitor the H bomb blast on Easter Island. Like most folks who were in the military because of the draft I complained a lot about the lack of ambition of many career Navy men. I think Midway was kind of a dumping ground for senior officers who were getting near retirement. I was also having a major problem with a Chief Petty Officer. He was a major thorn in my side. However, I thought that I was finally learning how to handle these difficult situations. I was also gaining experience being a boss. I really liked the work involved in running a public works department. I signed off saying that I had to go on my evening run on the beach. Midway had a great beach. I ran 2 miles every day.

Sunday April 29, 2012

Sunday April 29 and it is a beautiful spring day in MI. This is my first blog since April 16. On Tuesday April 17 Nancy and I got up at 0400 and got ready for our ten day trip to CA. The amazing thing is that we left GR at 0600 and arrived in CA at 0900. We picked up our rental car at Dollar and were at Steve's house by noon. Today is Alessandra's 3rd birthday. It would also be my dad's 106th birthday. We stopped by a grocery and bought some ice cream bars to take to Alessandra' day care. Nancy passed out the ice cream to all the kids. The day care is within easy walking distance of Steve's house. Alessandra would not return to day care until April 27th, the day of our departure. Steve picked up Lucas from school after work. For the duration of our stay Nancy and Bob drove Lucas to school and picked him up. We had a lot of fun and we even developed at routine. After dropping off Lucas at school we would stop at McDonald's for senior coffee and then would either run some errands or take Alessandra to a park. After school we would pick up Lucas and then stop at Jamba Juice or Baskin and Robins. On two days we took Lucas to baseball practice. It was great to be able to spend time with the grandkids. Nancy and I are always amazed at how much energy it takes to watch over the kids. Child raising is a young person's game. On Thursday night Debbie arrived. Saturday was the big day. Alessandra birthday party started at 1500 and Lucas had a morning baseball game. Steve and Veronica were dynamo's today. They had to set up for the party, pick up the pizza, sandwiches and ice cream and cake. They rented a jumper which was the hit of the party. I got on top of the porch roof to hold the rope holding the piñata. Steve was on a ladder holding the other end. Every kid got a swing and it took some effort to break the piñata. The kids were given bags to collect the candy. Piñata's are fun. Sunday morning and everyone slept in. Alessandra opened her presents. Today was also my birthday so we celebrated. Nancy found a store that sold Springbank scotch and she bought me a bottle for my birthday. Springbank is made in Campbeltown, Scotland the birth home of my GGF McTavish. I took a two hour bike ride in the afternoon. I rode along the LA River trail to the beach bike trail. I rode the beach trail for about an hour. The weather was cool but the beach was crowded with folks enjoying their day off. Debbie returned to Santa Clara this afternoon. It was great spending time with Debbie. For the rest of the week we settled into a routine. I would walk to Starbucks for coffee and to read the LA Times. I got home in time for us to take Lucas to school. We then would take Alessandra to a park or a library for story hour. On several days we were successful in getting her to take a nap. On Tuesday I got in the rental at noon and drove to San Clemente to visit one of my best friends from Alpena, Tommy Collins. It has been over 55 years since I had seen Tom. He lives in a gated retirement community in the hills above the city. We sat on his patio overlooking the hills and drank several beers and talked about the good ole days in Alpena. We shared many memories. Tom look exactly like his Dad. It was a very enjoyable visit. On Thursday Steve had to take Lucas to school and Alessandra headed back to day care. Our plane left at 1400 and we arrived back home about midnight. Friday morning and we slept in and then we both headed to the MAC. I did my routine at 50%. After the MAC I pedaled to the Kava House and read my papers. When I got home Kim was cleaning windows and Ms P was back. Kim said she enjoyed her time at her house. After a quick lunch I got out the lawn mower and started cutting. It has been 2 weeks since the front yard was cut and three week since the back yard. The grass was long. I put the grass catcher on the mower and picked up all the cuttings. Ms P was out with me and I must have thrown the ball 50 times to her. After the grass was cut I showered and then Nancy and I headed to Panera Bread for dinner. Saturday morning and it was cold. Temperature in the low 30s. I had breakfast at Bill's and then I pedaled around Reeds Lake. I spent the rest of the day reading mail and paying bills. Nancy and I met the Horlings at the Flat River Grill in Lowell for dinner. The place was jammed. We had an enjoyable time talking with Karen and Hal. Sunday morning and we are up at 0700. I did take Ms P out at 0600. We went swimming at the MAC and we both swam 1050 yards. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I took my afternoon nap. After the nap Nancy, Ms P and I took a 1 mile walk. After this walk I strapped on my GPS and took a 2.25 mile walk. I averaged 19'30" per mile. Tonight we are having burgers. We will watch 60 minutes and get to bed early. We still have some jet lag.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday April 16, 2012

We had a very loud thunder storm pass through last night. The rain was very intense. I got up at 0626 and did the morning routine before heading to the MAC. Today is Patriot's Day in MA and the running of the Boston Marathon. It is suppose to be in the 80s in Boston. Not ideal weather for a 26.2 mile run.

The wind was very intense today and it was difficult biking to the MAC. I performed at 2/3 capacity today because I have to cut the grass this afternoon. After the MAC I pedaled to the Kava House. It was difficult because we had wind gusts close to 50 mph. When I got home I had a quick lunch and then headed outside to cut the grass. It was windy and it looked like rain. I cut the front and side yards. It started to rain as I was finishing the front yard. The rain stopped me from cutting the back yard. It will have to wait a couple of weeks.

I took a shower and then a quick nap. We had cereal for dinner tonight. We are going to bed early because the cab is coming at 0415 tomorrow.

This is a little premature but on 19 April 1961, 51 years ago, I wrote my mother a short letter. I needed my college diploma immediately because the Navy needed it for processing my application for Officer Candidate School. I also said that a former employee of Dad's was in Detroit studying architecture at Wayne State and needed my help in concrete design. I said it should be interesting and give me something to do. My mother had sent me my radio and I thanked her because I could not afford a TV. The radio worked fine and I enjoyed listening to it in the evening. I wanted to know if Dad liked the present I bought him for his birthday. I commented that I was doing some design projects and I found this more interesting than drafting. I also asked Mom what she thought of the situation in Cuba and President Kennedy's performance. Michigan had just passed a new constitution and I wanted to know her reaction. (Mitt Romney's father was responsible for the new MI constitution. The famous Nazi war criminal Eichmann was on trial in Israel and I wanted to know mother's reaction. So it was in 1961.

Sunday April 15, 2012

The alarm goes off at 0656 and we got right up. Today we are starting our wind-down for our trip. Instead of swimming 30 laps we swam 24. We still followed our Sunday routine. I filled the Taurus up and gas was $3.95 per gallon. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. After reading several sections of the GRP I headed upstairs for my nap. After the nap I finished packing for CA. We have been checking the weather in CA and I hope I got the right clothing. After packing I went on a 1.5 mile walk.

This evening Nancy is fixing hot dogs and we will supplement the dogs with items from the refrigerator. We will take our nightly 1 mile walk. Nancy likes the walk because we must be able to walk several miles when we go on our Elderhostel trip to NYC.

It was a great evening for a walk. We watched the TV show with Kathy Bates and then headed upstairs. We are expecting heavy rains tonight. I hope Ms P does not make Kim's life miserable when it starts thundering and lightning.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Saturday April 14, 2012

Without an alarm clock Nancy got up at 0630 and got ready for the MAC. I slept in until 0700 and then got dressed and headed to Bill's for breakfast. It was quite mild this morning, mid 40s, but it felt like rain.

The WSJ will not stop reporting on the mysterious death of the Brit Neil Heywood in China. They think it is a political scandal of the first order. I am puzzled why? It doesn't seem important to me. I also read another WSJ article on how difficult it would be for the US Navy to defend the Strait of Hormuz if Iran should decide to block shipping. The Strait is only 24 miles wide and clearing mines would be hard. Also the narrow strait is ideal for small naval craft like those used by Iran's navy.

The June recall election in WI of their governor is going to be really nasty. Most of the money pro and con is coming from out of state. I am on the Governor's side. He made some difficult but needed decisions. President Obama is attending a hemispheric summit in Colombia. While the President wants to talk about trade most of the countries want to talk about the US's failed antidrug policies. I agree that our war on drugs has failed. I think we should legalize drugs.

After breakfast I rode around Reeds Lake. I put 12 miles on the bike. Nancy and I are going to Costco at noon today. We will also stop at Target and Staples. Tonight we are attending a dinner at the Moleski's. The 100 year anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic is the theme.

Costco was very crowded. We had a Costco hot dog for lunch. When we got home I went on a two mile walk and took a short nap. The dinner at the Moleski's was great. The menu was the same of the last menu on the Titanic, second class. Several folks even dressed in period clothes. We were home by 2130.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Friday April 13, 2012

Ms P got up at 0430. This will be her last day with Bob and Nancy for two weeks. Kim's daughter will watch after her. It was in the mid 30s this morning. Today is Friday the 13th. So the first thing I did when I got out of the MAC was to purchase a lotto ticket. The only time I ever won anything was with ticket number 13. I won a Jeep in a raffle in 1956.

I took my time reading the papers this morning. Kim is cleaning the house this morning. Yes the Kim who will take care of Ms P. Ms P loves Kim and her daughter.

The City Council of Detroit is finally realizing the severity of their financial problems. The problems in North Korea and Syria are really serious. I hope they do not do anything rash.

This afternoon I tried to buy a square steel bar 1.5" x 15". At Alro Steel they said the bar would cost $75 and I probably could get a better deal at Central Steel. They were right the bar cost $5 at Central. Tonight Nancy and I are going out to dinner. Nancy wants to go some place that has soft food. Her root canal is still bothering her.

We had dinner at Pietro's. It was very crowded. When we got home we went on our nightly 1 mile walk. Nancy headed upstairs at 2100 and told her I was on my way. I was just going to make a quick run through the channels. I saw that the movie O'Brother Where Art Thou". I watched for about 30 minutes. I love the music in the movie.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Thursday April 12, 2012

Ms P had to go out at 0400. It was cold about 30. When I got ready to go to the MAC the sun was out but the weather folks said it was still below freezing. I saw no evidence of frost. Today I did my tri. This will be the last time for several weeks.

I stopped at Macatawa Bank to do some business before heading to the Kava House. The WSJ has really zeroed in on the trials and tribulations of ousted Chinese Communist party leader Bo Xilai and his wife. They are being investigated in the strange death of a Brit named Neil Haywood. It reads like a soap opera. I skip over all the USA political articles. I do read about all the political situations in Europe. How did some European countries get themselves in such a pickle? The only way it seems to get some financial relief is to get concessions for public employees. Give backs are very difficult. The problems that Margaret Thatcher had in the UK is a good example. I do not think there are any current European leaders with Ms Thatcher's guts. I loved the movie.

This afternoon I spent outside working on my new improved kayak rack. This morning Nancy had a root canal. Not anyone's favorite dental procedure. Tomorrow morning she will have another one. (I got that wrong she will get her root canal on Monday)

Tonight we will have dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. We will take our mile walk and then watch "Person of Interest". Person of Interest was changed from 2100 to 2200 so I did not watch it.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wednesday April 11, 2012

Ms P and I went out at 0500. Today is my easy day so I slept in until 0750. It felt good. It was cold but the sun was out. I had breakfast at Bill's. I had oatmeal. After breakfast I stopped at the PO to get our mail stopped while we are in CA. I also stopped at the bank to get some money to pay our dog sitter.

After I finish this sentence I am loading up the bike and heading to Millennium Park for a bike ride. It was a beautiful day for a bike ride. I rode 17 miles and I am impressed with the improvement that have been made in the park.

This afternoon Nancy worked at the Gardens. Did you know that the Gardens is rated in the top 100 place in the world to visit? She said they had 1,000 visitors. Tonight Nancy has book club. I am meeting Tom Moleski at Uccello's for pizza. The pizza and beer were good. I was surprised that Uccello's was not very busy because tonight the Red Wings begin their quest for the Stanley Cup. I watched "Burn Notice" before going to bed.

I checked on my April 11, 2009 blog and the temperature was 20⁰. Today the low temperature was only in the mid 30s.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tuesday April 10, 2012

Ms P and I went out at 0500 and the temperature was in the 30s. While working out at home the weather folks said it was very windy and that the wind chill was in the low 20s. I got out a pair of lined pants to wear. It get cold on a bike. I did the tri today. I was happy with my swim time. It was really cold on my ride to the Kava House. An article in today's WSJ really got my goat. The article was about the Feds using laws that were intended to be used against real criminals to try and convict ordinary citizens for what I think are very minor infractions. The cases go on for years and the Feds invade homes and confiscate personal property. The Feds have too much power.

I also got all wound up when I heard that the manager of the Miami baseball team got suspended for saying Fidel Castro was a nice guy. I know that the Castro brothers are unpopular in FL but this is the USA and free speech is an important part of our democracy.

It was snowing on my ride home from the Kava House. I had a quick lunch and then headed outside to deliver the new OHNA's 2012 Directory. When I got home I spent about 90 minutes reading my Elmo Leonard book. Nancy is fixing ham and soup for dinner tonight. We will read the GRP (we get a paper copy on T, TH and SUN) and watch the NCIS.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Monday April 9, 2012

The weather man said it was going to be a nice windy day. No rain until late this evening or Tuesday. I have not cut the grass in two week so mowing is my chore for today. The day started at 0500 when I took Ms P out. I took it easy on the rowing and running today to save energy for cutting the grass. The WSJ had an article on how some of the largest US firms have survived the recession by trimming and cutting. They have emerged stronger and more efficient than ever. Productivity per man-hour has increased dramatically. Another article on Venezuela's Presidents health problems and how nobody really knows his status. He is up for reelection this fall. The USA would certainly like a Venezuela without Chavez.

I got home about 1230 and after a quick lunch I headed outside to cut the grass. Ms P also came out with me. I think I must have thrown the ball for her about 50 times. I must say that my throwing has improved this Spring. Some of the weather folks are predicting snow flurries in the next couple of days. I don't believe it. This afternoon Nancy went to the dentist and found out she needed two root canals. The work is scheduled for this Thursday.

We will have a light dinner this evening and then watch the news and go on our evening stroll. The TV season is now over, I think. It is a good thing because folks should spend more time outside. Today the sun came up at 0710 and will set a 2018. I love this time of year.

April 9, 1961, fifty one years ago: I wrote my mother a short letter from Detroit. I told Mom that I had a busy week. Thursday evening I went to a Civil Engineering meeting. Saturday I attended a Polish wedding. On Sunday I took the bus over to my dad's Uncle John's house for lunch. Uncle John Scott was a character. He was a construction superintendent for a large contractor in the Detroit area. He was involved in the construction of many auto plants in Detroit. He was also the superintendent on the construction of the "BIG HOUSE" at UM. His son John, a bachelor, who also attended the lunch was an attorney for Detroit Edison in Detroit. Cousin Johnny was big on his Scottish heritage. He played the bag pipes and was in a local bag pipe band. His idea of a big Saturday night was to put on his kilt and play his bag pipe at the Hall of the Scottish Rites. We had Scotch pie and tea for lunch. I told Mom that I needed khaki pants and socks for my birthday. It had snowed today and was quite sloppy outside. I told Mom that I was working on a project for dredging Alpena harbor.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sunday April 8, 2012

Saturday: I got up at 0630 and got dressed and biked to Bill's for their oatmeal. Nancy was fixing breakfast for Missy and AJ because they had to get ready for the Easter egg hunt put on by the OHNA. I got home after nine and AJ was still in bed. At 1015 everyone except me headed to the school where the hunt was taking place. I soon followed. It was a great day for an outdoor activity, sunny and cool but not too cool. AJ had fun gathering eggs and she got to play with some kids from the neighborhood.

I was out of apples so I got in the C2 and headed to Horricks. The place was jammed. I got enough apples to last until we head to CA later this month. I spent some time this afternoon checking plans.

Sunday 1610: Nancy fixed a ham dinner for us last night. In addition to the ham we had potatoes and asparagus with apple strudel and ice cream for dessert. We also opened a bottle of wine that we purchased last year at an event at Meijer's Garden. It was a pleasant evening.

Easter Sunday: I got up at 0655 and was going to go swimming before AJ got up. However, she was stirring so I just stopped by the MAC to put next week's gym clothes in my locker. When I got home AJ had just finished finding all the eggs Nancy and Missy had hid around the house. I bought coffee for Missy and me at Starbucks. Nancy said breakfast was going to be delayed so I had time for a quick swim. I headed back to the MAC and swam 750 yards in record time (for me). We had Nancy's world famous poached eggs for breakfast along with fruit and English muffins. AJ, Ms P and I walked around the block after breakfast. I spent some time reading the paper and finished checking plans. Missy and AJ left for Ohio about 1500. I finished my project and then paid my state and city taxes. I walked to the post office to mail the tax bills.

While Missy was here she explained her upcoming move to CA. The move will take place in late May. I will drive Missy's car out and Nancy will watch AJ in MI while Missy gets her place ready. Nancy and AJ will then fly out. Nancy and I will fly back to Mi after everyone is settled.

Tonight we are having ham sandwiches and fried brown skin potatoes. We will watch 60 minutes before retiring.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Friday April 6, 2012

Missy took care of Ms P last night so I slept through to 0630. We had frost last night but I do not think it was a killer frost. I got done with my at-home routine at 0800. Missy was up but AJ was still sleeping. This morning Missy and AJ are meeting with some folks who have adopted children from Kazakhstan at Meijer's Gardens. It was cold this morning but a bright sunny sky always trumps cold. When doing my run I noticed a Dad hitting tennis balls to a pre-teen boy. The boy was really good. After my run I stopped and talked to the tennis coach and asked who the young boy was he said his last name was Wiltjer. His dad's name was Dave. Dave Wiltjer was a good friend of my son Steve. I talked to Dave and he said his son plays tennis all year round. I was very impressed.

The Kava House was crowded when I arrived at 1145. I spent 90 minutes reading the WSJ and DFP but can't really recall anything that I thought was worth reporting on. When I got home Missy and AJ were still at Meijer's Garden. I had a quick lunch and then got in the C2 and head to GR Bicycle Co to pick up my AT bike. I now have a new seven speed internal hub. I tried it out and it works great. Tonight we are all going to Olga's for dinner.

After dinner we all went on a walk. Missy, AJ and Ms P went around the block and Nancy and I finished our routine mile walk. AJ took a bath and then headed right to bed. She has a busy day. We all watched CSI before heading to bed.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Thursday April 5, 2012

It was cold this morning. Frost warnings were up but thankfully it did not freeze. When I left for the MAC the sun was shining brightly. Today I did my tri. My 1.5 mile run time keeps going up. Today my time was 15'50". I am really getting slow. However, my swim time for 750 yards is going down. Despite the bright sun it was still cold when I left for the Kava House. The City of Detroit and State of Mi have reached an agreement on putting in place an committee that will have power to get Detroit's financial house in order. Speaking of Detroit today is the first day of the baseball season. Spring is really here.

Doing the tri on Tuesday and Thursday really wipes me out. I had to take a short nap this afternoon. Tonight Missy and AJ are coming for the Easter weekend. We expect them about 2100. Nancy and I will have dinner at Great Lakes Shipping this evening.

We did have dinner at Great Lakes and the place was not very busy. Spring Break! When we home we hitched up Ms P and went on our 1 mile walk. We watched a "Person of Interest" and at 2200 Missy and AJ arrived. We all headed upstairs at 2230.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Wednesday April 4, 2012

April 4 and I am trying to think which of my grade school buddies had a birthday today. I hate it when I don't have total recall. Today I had breakfast club. We had a small turnout. I think a lot of folks are still in warmer climes. The speaker was from GR Opera. On my way home I stopped and got a coffee. I will check plans until 1130 when I will get on my bike and head to the MAC for a swim.

2000: I got to the MAC at noon and was surprised how crowded the pool was. I had to share a lane. I swam 750 yards. When I got home I ate a quick lunch and then did some outside chores before resuming my plan checking. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. she said they had 4700 folks come through this afternoon.

Tonight was cereal night. After dinner we went on our nightly walk. I checked our walk mileage using my bike speedometer and it is exactly 1.0 miles. Tonight we will watch some TV before turning in. We watched Burn Notice and then headed to bed. Today was a beautiful Spring day.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tuesday April 3, 2012

Ms P and I went out at 0445 and the stars were shining bright. About 0530 a thunder storm rolled through and Ms P went bonkers. She was so hyper that Nancy went downstairs and gave her a pill. When I headed downstairs to do my exercises I usually shut the door so Ms P will not bug me. Today she was so afraid of all the thunder that I let her in. She was a royal pain but towards the end of my routine she seemed to settle down. Could be the pill?

I drove to the MAC because I do not bike in an electrical storm. Today is a swim day but the pool was closed because of the lightning. I ended up at the Kava House. I did not have time to completely read the WSJ because I only had an hour on the parking meter.

It was such a gloomy day that I took a short nap after lunch. I spent the rest of the afternoon in my office checking plans. Nancy fixed a pork steak for dinner. Last month I bought a case of Sam Adams beer at Costco. The case included several brands of their beer. I like the Boston Lager. At 1900 we all went on a 0.9 mile walk. We then read the GRP and watched NCIS and NCIS LA before going to bed. Both shows were reruns.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Monday April 2, 2012

The day started at 0400 when Ms P let me know it was time for her to do her bidness. It was in the high 30s at 0400. I went back to sleep and did not get up until 0700. The sun was shining bright when I got on the bike and headed to the MAC. This week is Spring Break time in GR so the MAC was not very busy. I am beginning to spend a lot of time talking to other retirees. Don't these old folks have more important things to do?

After the MAC I stopped by Macatawa Bank to renew a CD. The interest rates on CD are terrible. I blame Ben, Fed Chairman, for the low interest rates. Both the WSJ and DFP had articles on the crisis in Detroit. The deadline for an important decision on who will manage Detroit's finances is this week.

I had a quick lunch and then took seven leaf bags down to the curb. I was going to cut the grass but it does not need to be cut. Maybe Wednesday. This afternoon I will spent some time checking a set of bridge plans. 2010: I did spend the afternoon checking plans. We had cereal for dinner. We were out of milk so I made a trip to D&W to get a gallon. After dinner the three of us went on a walk of about 0.8 mile. Nancy headed to bed at 2100 and I followed at 2130.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sunday April 1, 2012

Happy April Fool's Day. When growing up the Alpena News use to have great April Fool pranks in their April 1 addition. They usually got some folks to bite. Of course the the best April Fools story was SI's Sid Finch story. I fell for it hook, line and sinker.

Ms P and I got up at 0430 to do our bidness and then hustled back to bed. The alarm went off at 0656 and Nancy and I got up and headed to the MAC. We both swam 1500 yards. I purchased gas at Meijer's. Gas was $4.09 a gallon. In 1938 a gallon of gas cost $0.10 and the average hourly wage was $0.83. The average hourly wage in 2012 (FEB) was $10.20. In 1938 gas was 12% of a man hourly wage and in 2012 it is 40%. Wow!!

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I took my afternoon nap and then walked over to the Post Office to mail some letters. I also walked Ms P around the block. Lately we have been hearing a peck, peck noise. We did not know where the noise came from until I looked out my office window and saw that a small bird was building a nest in one of the rotten rail posts. We use to have a small balcony outside my office. The rail is gone but one post remains. The pecking is driving Nancy wild but I like it. I will try to get a photo of the bird in his nest.

Nancy is fixing sloppy Joes for dinner tonight. We will watch 60 minutes and read the paper before heading upstairs. I was going to cut the grass tomorrow but it is too short. I think the grass went dormant with our recent return to cooler temperatures. The leaves are almost out on all the trees. Our Spring is about 4 weeks early.