Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday January 28, 2015

Happy Birthday Missy! I remember your birthday vividly. It was a cold snowy Sunday morning in Ann Arbor, Mi. We were in Ann Arbor because I was attending grad school. Your mother got up about 0600 and said the baby is ready. Your grandmother had been staying us for several weeks. So she stayed with Debbie while we got in the VW beetle and headed to St Joseph hospital. The wind shield wipers were not working so I stopped the car and tried to clear the window. Your mom said franticly get going the baby is coming. I drove the rest of the way to the hospital with the window open and my head sticking out. Temps as I recall were in single digits. When we got to the hospital the nurses took your mother and headed to the delivery room. I parked the VW and walked to the waiting room. I did not get a chance to sit down because the doctor came in and said it is a healthy girl. Some things you never forget! It was cold this morning, 10. I slept in because today is easy Wednesday. I walked to Sundance Grill for their oatmeal breakfast. After breakfast I walked to Starbucks near Costco. I finished reading the WSJ. It is 1.7 miles from Starbucks to home. I know this because my pedometer on the phone told me so. Nancy had a 1100 Doctor’s appointment and then she was heading to the Gardens for her afternoon shift. I spend the afternoon doing a load of laundry, taking out the garbage and cleaning up. I took a very short nap. The temperature finally reached 30 so I took Ms P for her 1.25 mile walk. We will have a light dinner and watch some TV. We will also watch the final episode of “The Fall” on netflix. The weather folks say we will get freezing rain early this evening and then it will change to snow. Roads might be dicey tomorrow morning. I never tire reading my Great-grandfather Sanborn’s diary from 1938. On this date in Ossineke, MI, GGF noted that it was cold in the morning, 10. In the PM it warmed to 20. GGF noted that his back is feeling better from a recent fall.

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