Friday, January 16, 2015

Thursday January 15, 2015

Thursday January 15, 2015: Happy Birthday Debbie. I remember your birth clearly. It was a Friday and after I took your Mom to Sequoia Hospital I had to go to an all night store to get a check cashed so I could pay for the birth, $100. You were the first and it was a new and frightening experience for me. I did not have any experience with babies. How do I hold you and a lot of other questions entered my mind. Your Mother was a great teacher. I must say that fathers of my generation had it much easier than the current generation. Today the below zero weather ended. In fact the temp got to 30 today. Our colds are getting better. It is a very slow process. I did my normal morning routine, calisthenics and then coffee at Panera. I cannot ride my bike because of the snow so I have been walking a lot. Cascade Township is very good about plowing their sidewalks. After Panera I walked to Macatawa Bank to get some money so we can pay Kim our cleaner tomorrow. I also stopped by a tailor so see about the cost of putting suspender buttons on trousers. It cost $16 a pair. I am going to ask Nancy to show me how I can do the job. I have lost so much weight I need suspenders to hold up the britches. When I got home I got in the Cobalt and headed to Woodlawn Mall. This is the first time I have driven the Cobalt this year. I was looking for some pants that had a pocket big enough to hold my iPhone 6+. I did not find any. After lunch I took a short nap and then took a walk around the block. I have been wearing my fitbit every day. I am trying to get 10,000 steps per day. I do not have any problems reaching this goal. For a change we had TV dinners tonight. Not bad. We will watch netlfix this evening before turning in. Think Spring!!!

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