Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday January 27, 2015

Tuesday January 27, 2015 Where are my blog files stored? This will be my 1,963rd posting. Can I lose the files? Got up this morning at 0630 without an alarm. Does this mean my body is shifting to Spring mode? Point of interest: since I lost 20 pounds doing chin-ups is much easier. Got to Panera by 0830 so I had an hour to read the WSJ. Can Greece really bring down the EU? Good grief it is slightly larger than Michigan. Who are the good guys in Syria? Are we spending billions to train the wrong guys? Why doesn’t anyone listen to me, Get out now! The pool was crowded this morning. The pool was also cold. I swam my 30’ and then took a long hot shower. Today was a nice winter’s day. Sunny with temps in the mid 20s. It was so nice I took the Taurus to the car wash. It was not an original idea. Nancy took Ms P to the beauty shop today. She got a bath and trim. The sidewalks in our area are in excellent condition. I am thinking of trying running again so today I took a walk and measured what I thought would be a safe run. My GPS said the run was a little under 2 miles. A perfect distance. I will try later this winter. I did take a short nap. In yesterday’s blog I mentioned our neighbor locking herself out of her condo. We provided assistance. Today Sonya brought over a nice bottle of wine. Nice gesture. Nancy made chili today. So tonight we are having Nancy’s world famous chili. Tonight we will read the GRP and watch NCIS before turning in.

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