Friday, January 23, 2015

Thursday January 22, 2015

True sign of winter, I sleep later. First thing Nancy heads to MVP. I do calisthenics and drive to Panera. Cannot get in pool until 1045 so have time to read WSJ. The economic summit in Davos and coup in Yemen dominates. Speaking of coup I had a front row seat for coup #1 in South Vietnam. Very frantic, Got in pool at 1045 and swam for 30'. The pool was cool. My lips were blue when I got out. Nancy is having lunch with Kathi today. When I got home put Ms P in car and headed to Tractor Supply store in Lowell. Bought a salt block for deer and a pair of farmer rubbers. At home put salt block outside ground floor slider. Hope it brings in deer. Took a short nap. Took Ms P on walk and then walked around block. Nancy and I had dinner at Panera. Watched news and now are watching "The Fall" on Netflix.

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