Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunday January 25, 2015

Sunday January 25, 2015 The alarm goes off at 0700. Today is our Sunday swim day. Nancy is still under the weather so she did not go. The pool was very crowded this morning. Two swimmer in every lane except mine. Lucky me. After the swim I stopped at home and picked up Nancy. We headed to Meijer’s. Gas today was $1.97. I am always amazed at the vast supply of fresh fruits and vegetables available at Meijer’s especially in winter. When I was a boy we seldom had fresh fruits or vegetables in winter. Refrigerated trucks were not yet available. Every summer my mother would can fruits and vegetables for winter consumption. Once in a while my mother would be happy because she could buy a tomato raised in a hot house. This morning Nancy bought a hot house tomato. I did not think hot house tomatoes were grown any more. West Michigan use to be the center of hot house growers. The hot houses required vast amounts of natural gas to heat the houses. It became costly to compete with CA grown products. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I also had a waffle. I read the funnies and then took my mandatory Sunday nap. I found a pant that has a pocket big enough for my iPhone 6+. I stopped by Dick’s and asked if they had my size. The surly employee told me that if it is not on the rack they don’t have it. It turned cold and windy today. I took a three mile walk and the temperature was 19 but wind chill made it 9. I walked fast. I just had a nice FaceTime conversation with Debbie. She tried to help me get the super dooper headphone she got me to work, no luck. I just tried the head phones again and they worked. After dinner we will read the GRP, watch 60’ and then some network TV. Two inches of snow is predicted for tonight. Think Spring!!!

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