Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday January 19, 2015

Monday January 19, 2015 The temperature has flatlined for the past 24 hours at 33. It was dark and gloomy all day. The good news is that the sidewalks are bare. Walking is easy. This morning Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to MVP. Nancy did the treadmill and I did calisthenics. The New Year resolution folks are still around. The place was really crowded. After MVP we headed home so Nancy could shower. I took Ms P on a nice long walk. No WSJ today because it is a holiday, MLK day. We finished the morning by going to Woodlawn Mall. Nancy bought several items for the grandkids. I bought two pair of khaki’s. Of course the khaki’s were several sizes smaller than my existing pants. I even had time to have a coffee at the mall’s Starbucks. For a Monday the mall was really crowded. I love to people watch. I had a quick lunch and then took a short nap. Nancy had a package she wanted mailed so I walked over to Meijer’s and mailed the package and bought stamps. I checked the pharmacy but my pills were not ready yet. It is now 1757 and I am heading up for a light dinner. Stay turned! We had dinner and then watched the news. Nothing on TV tonight so we will watch Netflix before turning in. Did you know we now have 31 more minutes of daylight? Think Spring!

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