Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday January 29, 2015

Thursday January 29, 2015 Up at 0630 and encountered ice covered sidewalk and drive. Many schools are closed in the area. After the calisthenics and breakfast I went out and salted the walk and drive. The condo association is suppose to handle our driveway but they are a no-show. I didn’t think I could get to MVP for my swim so I walked to Panera. The hill in front of the condo was very slippery. I had just started climbing the hill when a road commission salt truck passed by. Great timing! I had a quick read of the WSJ before walking home. I got in the C2 and drove with no problem to MVP. MVP was jammed. I had to share a lane. Schools are closed so parents bring their kids to MVP. I bet the ski areas are also crowded. It is now 1300 and I will have lunch soon. Nancy has a 1500 hair appointment and I have an appointment with my MG (myasthenia gravis) Doctor. I call him the MG Doctor because I can not spell neuro ophthalmology. Stay tuned! It was still raining/snowing when I left for the Doctor’s. The roads were all salted. It was just another gloomy winter day. On a positive note my eye stays open on gloomy days. The Doctor looked at my eye and checked on my progress in controlling MG. The medicine is working and I will just continue with my current routine. I did find the address of a local MG group. When I got home Nancy had already returned from her hair appointment. She got it cut short and it looks great. Nancy fixed a great chicken/spaghetti meal. We will watch Big Bang, read the GRP and then watch some netflix.

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