Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wednesday January 14, 2015

Wednesday January 14, 2015 My easy Wednesday, no breakfast club, I slept in until 0730. I am feeling much better. It got to -13 last night. The coldest night of the season. I did do some calisthenics but only at 50%. Nancy wanted me to pick up some medicine at Costco. The order was not filled so I walked over to Starbucks and read the WSJ. Gas today was $1.77 at Costco. The average joe is getting a break with low gas prices but the stock market tanks. Go figure. I only got 1 of two prescriptions filled because Costco wanted to talk to Nancy’s doctor. I headed home. Tomorrow is garbage and recycle day. I recently bought an electric heater for my downstairs office. I think the corrugated cardboard packaging weighted more than the heater. It took me 45 minutes to break down the cardboard boxes. Costco finally called that the second prescription was ready. I hurried over picked it up. Today I bought some Win Schuler soft cheese at Costco. It has low sugar and met my diet requirements. Speaking of diet, my weight is now below 150. This is the lowest it has been since 1977. I finished the afternoon with a 30 minute walk around the block. We had a light dinner and will watch some TV and netflix before turning in.

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