Saturday, January 24, 2015

Saturday January 24, 2015

Saturday January 24, 2015 Nancy did not want to go out to breakfast this morning. I decided to walk to Sundance Grill for breakfast, 0.7 mi. We had dinner at Sundance last night and I left my tam. The nice folks at Sundance found the tam. I had their oatmeal breakfast. Lately I have been adding a scrambled egg to my oatmeal. It is very tasty. I learned about this practice from some nice elderly chinese-american women who were on our Vietnamese tour. They always put an egg in their oatmeal. I like. As soon as I got home from breakfast I took Ms P on her walk. Today the temperature was in the mid30s. It was dark and gloomy. I had several errands to run so I got in the C2 and headed out. First stop was Dunham’s Sports in Eastbrook. I found out that Dunhamj’s is no longer in Eastbrook. Next stop was Woodland Mall. I checked for cargo pants at both Sear’s and Penney’s. No luck. I stopped at MC Sports and again struck out. My final stop was Dick’s. I found the perfect pant. It had a pocket for my iPhone plus. However, they did not have my size. I had a quick lunch and then took a short nap. After the nap I spent some time on my computer checking email and my bank accounts. I finished the afternoon with a walk around the block. Nancy fixed a turkey roast for dinner tonight. It was very good. It is now 1920 and as soon as I finish this blog we will watch a netflix show. As I mentioned several days ago I put a salt block in our back yard. So far no deer have visited the block.

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