Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday January 12, 2015

January 12, 2014 It is catch up time. My last blog was December 22, 2014 from LA. The following is a brief summary of our activities since December 22. Tuesday December 23, Jet lag so I am up early for coffee at Starbucks in Brentwood. After coffee I take Missy to the UCLA Health Center. Missy is having an operation on her sinuses. We get to the center about 1000. The operation takes about 2 hours. The Doctor told me the operation was a success. Missy is on pain medicine so she cannot drive until next Monday. After some time in the recovery room I drive Missy home. Missy must take it easy no bending or exercise and she must sleep with her head elevated. Tuesday December 24, Christmas Eve. Nancy and I took AJ to Century City mall. AJ and I saw a movie, The Penguins, and Nancy did some shopping. Wednesday, Christmas Day: I was surprised but AJ slept in. When she woke up we opened presents. She did quite well. We did talk to Debbie and Steve’s family. They spent Christmas with Debbie in San Jose. Thursday through Sunday we hung out with Missy and AJ. Missy is beginning to feel better. I don’t think Missy enjoys sleeping on the couch with her head elevated. Just a note that during our two weeks in CA I did not exercise. I did wear my fitbit and made sure I got my 10,000 steps in each day. Monday December 29, today is the day that Missy has the packing removed from her sinuses. The first thing she said was I can breath. Everything is looking up. In the afternoon AJ, Nancy and I head to Bubba Gump’s in Long Beach. We met Debbie, Lucas and Alessandra for lunch. After lunch we visited the Long Beach Aquarium. A good time was had by all. We stopped by Steve’s to drop off Debbie and the kids and stayed for dinner. This was the first meeting of the Scott cousins. After dinner AJ, Nancy and I headed to the Hampton Inn in Carson. We choose this location because of its easy access to freeways. On a good day we can get to either Steve’s or Missy’s in about 40 minutes. We will stay at the Hampton until we depart next Monday. Tuesday Debbie came over and she had the chance to spend some time with AJ. We had lunch at Chili’s and dinner at Panera. Debbie spent the night. Wednesday morning Debbie left early. It was very cold in LA and there was the possibility of ice on the grapevine. She made it home without any problems. We took AJ in the afternoon to a place that had many inflatable jumpers. The place was jammed with kids. Missy came down and spent New Years Eve with us. We had dinner at the Olive Garden. New Years Day, Missy and AJ left in the morning and Nancy and I visited a mall in Costa Mesa. We both have come down with bad colds. Friday, we drove to LB to pick up Alessandra and Lucas. We had breakfast at Polly’s and then went to a movie. We saw Anne. The afternoon was spent playing games and Alessandra and I visited a park. We babysat while Steve and Veronica went to a movie. We ordered a Papa John’s pizza. Saturday was an easy day. Sunday we visited Steve’s in the PM and had an early dinner at a local deli. Lucas had a 1900 BB game. We watched his team win. Lucas played with a lot of confidence. Monday: we are taking the red eye back to GR. Our flight leaves at 2330. We stopped at Missy’s and had lunch at the 3rd Street Mall in Santa Monica. We left for LAX about 1500. Monday/Tuesday the flight went off without a hitch. I did not get much sleep on the plane. We arrived in GR about 1000. Our first action as soon as we unpacked was to go to Meijer’s to get supplies. Tuesday through Sunday: We both crashed and spent time recovering from our colds. No MVP this week. Monday January 12: I did my at home calisthenics and even rowed 2K. After, I visited Panera for coffee and to read WSJ. Nancy met some ex Blodgett gift shop women for lunch at the Omelette Shop. I took a nap and ended the day with a walk around the block. Petunia came home last Thursday. It has been so cold that we have not been able to walk outside. Recored lows are expected tonight.

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