Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday January 20, 2015

Tuesday January 20, 2015 Last night when I signed off on this blog our internet connection was lost. I got out our phone bill and found the number for ATT. We lose our connection about every six weeks. The nice tech had me running back and forth between our modem in the rafters and computer. After plugging and un plugging the modem and router we finally got it to work. Folks say I made a mistake using ATT when Comcast is faster and problem free. Nothing in the tech age is problem free. Speaking of tech problems we have Direct TV. Direct TV has a bad rap for losing service during bad weather. We have had several instances during snow that we have lost service. I just take a broom out to the deck and sweep the dish. Problem solved in seconds. The temps stayed below freezing all day. There was snow on the ground this morning. Nancy drove to MVP. I completed my calisthenics and then drove the Cobalt to Panera. After 1/2 hour at Panera I got back in the C2 and drove to MVP. This morning I swam 30 minutes. I think I pinch a nerve in my shoulder when I use the crawl because after swimming my arm tingles. Today I eliminated the crawl and only did the breast stroke. No tingles. I think the rotation of the shoulder joint while swimming the crawl pinches a nerve. A civil engineer giving a medical opinion. I bought a coffee at MVP and finished the WSJ. The MVP pool is cool and sometimes after the swim I have problems warming up. When I got home today I turned on the electric blanket and spent 30 minutes warming up. I then had lunch. I had a 1530 dentist appointment today. Had the teeth cleaned and of course they took X-rays and the dentist gave me a 30 second check up. The 30 seconds cost $96. I stopped at Meijer’s on my way home to pick up a prescription. The pills I take for my MG do not cost much. $9 for 120 pills. I take three a day. I finished the afternoon with a walk around the block. Nancy fixed spaghetti for dinner tonight. It was very good. Nancy said I liked it because she made the sauce before I was on my sugar free diet. A lot of sugar in the sauce. Tonight is the big SOTU address. Does anyone care? The President is poking a stick in Congress’s eye. Can’t these folks just get along.

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