Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wednesday January 21, 2015

Wednesday January 21, 2015 It was snowing hard when I took Ms P out at 0600. Today is breakfast club, so I got in the Cobalt and headed downtown. I took the freeway because I thought it would be clearer than surface streets. It was pitch black and the freeway was snow covered. Needless to say it was a white knuckle drive. I was surprised that despite the weather we had a good turnout. Today’s speaker was a retired banker and he talked about a novel he had just written. The novel was about crooked bankers during the S&L scandal. Good Talk! I was surprised that most of the BC members who sit at my table did not listen to the President. I listened and agreed on several points but generally thought the President should have stopped talking at 20 minutes. Speaking of folks at the table, two members had birthdays last week, 88 and 89 years old. After BC I stopped at Starbucks in Breton Village for coffee and to read the WSJ. The Middle East still confuses me. Who are the good guys in Yemen? Do we need more ground troops in Syria or Iraq? I just wish we would cut our losses and leave the Middle East. Europe’s economy seems to generate a lot of WSJ coverage. I really don’t care if the EUB starts a QE program. Note the abbreviations. After my coffee I bought a snow shovel. I think that there is about 50 feet of sidewalk that I have to shovel. The condo association takes care of the rest. I can shovel 50 feet. The big drawer under our stove keeps falling apart. I finally figured out how to fix it. First I headed to ACE hardware to buy some bolts, nuts, a strip of brass and a metal drill bit. I made my repairs and it seemed to work except a bracket keeps pulling out. I head back to ACE and bought 4 wood screws, $0.09 ea). I put in the longer screws and it did the trick. To celebrate I took a walk around the block. We had a light dinner. Tonight we will watch some TV before turning in. We had our power go out this afternoon. I tried to call CPE but our phones were out also. I got the iPhone out and notified CPE via their web page of our outage. This is the first time that we have had a power outage. We have a huge garage door and without power I don't think I could lift the door manually. I finally decided that if needed I would call the Cascade Twp FD. The house was getting cold but after 90 minutes the power came back on. How is that for exciting?

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