Saturday, January 31, 2015

Friday January 30, 2015

Friday January 30, 2015 I have a physical coming up in February. The Doctor ordered some lab work that must be done before the physical. I selected Friday as my lab day. The test required 12 hours of fasting. I started Thursday night so I could be ready first thing in the morning. After I took Ms P out I headed for the lab. I was at the lab at 0830 and out at 0845. I brought my breakfast in a brown bag. I sat in the car completed breakfast and then headed to MVP. No swim today I just did my normal routine. On my way home I stopped at Starbucks for coffee and to read the WSJ. Kim was still cleaning the condo when I got home so Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. We replenished our peanut butter, mouthwash and sandwich rolls supplies. Nancy also picked up her prescription. Costco was really crowded. Folks were buying Super Bowl party supplies. Our Winter Property taxes are due in February. The township office is about 1mile from the condo. I bundled up and walked to the township office. On my way I stopped at Macatawa Bank to get some walking around money for Nancy. I did take a short nap. Tonight we are going to a lecture by an Art Prize winner. It is being held at Kendall College. Nancy invited her friend Kathi to join us. We picked Kathi up at 1700 and head downtown. Sonya Clark was the Art Prize winner giving the lecture. She is also a college, Amherst, classmate and friend of our daughter Missy. We introduced ourselves to Sonya and she was very gracious. The lecture was well attended. Sonya gave a great lecture. After the lecture wine and cheese was provided. It was a great Friday evening.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday January 29, 2015

Thursday January 29, 2015 Up at 0630 and encountered ice covered sidewalk and drive. Many schools are closed in the area. After the calisthenics and breakfast I went out and salted the walk and drive. The condo association is suppose to handle our driveway but they are a no-show. I didn’t think I could get to MVP for my swim so I walked to Panera. The hill in front of the condo was very slippery. I had just started climbing the hill when a road commission salt truck passed by. Great timing! I had a quick read of the WSJ before walking home. I got in the C2 and drove with no problem to MVP. MVP was jammed. I had to share a lane. Schools are closed so parents bring their kids to MVP. I bet the ski areas are also crowded. It is now 1300 and I will have lunch soon. Nancy has a 1500 hair appointment and I have an appointment with my MG (myasthenia gravis) Doctor. I call him the MG Doctor because I can not spell neuro ophthalmology. Stay tuned! It was still raining/snowing when I left for the Doctor’s. The roads were all salted. It was just another gloomy winter day. On a positive note my eye stays open on gloomy days. The Doctor looked at my eye and checked on my progress in controlling MG. The medicine is working and I will just continue with my current routine. I did find the address of a local MG group. When I got home Nancy had already returned from her hair appointment. She got it cut short and it looks great. Nancy fixed a great chicken/spaghetti meal. We will watch Big Bang, read the GRP and then watch some netflix.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday January 28, 2015

Happy Birthday Missy! I remember your birthday vividly. It was a cold snowy Sunday morning in Ann Arbor, Mi. We were in Ann Arbor because I was attending grad school. Your mother got up about 0600 and said the baby is ready. Your grandmother had been staying us for several weeks. So she stayed with Debbie while we got in the VW beetle and headed to St Joseph hospital. The wind shield wipers were not working so I stopped the car and tried to clear the window. Your mom said franticly get going the baby is coming. I drove the rest of the way to the hospital with the window open and my head sticking out. Temps as I recall were in single digits. When we got to the hospital the nurses took your mother and headed to the delivery room. I parked the VW and walked to the waiting room. I did not get a chance to sit down because the doctor came in and said it is a healthy girl. Some things you never forget! It was cold this morning, 10. I slept in because today is easy Wednesday. I walked to Sundance Grill for their oatmeal breakfast. After breakfast I walked to Starbucks near Costco. I finished reading the WSJ. It is 1.7 miles from Starbucks to home. I know this because my pedometer on the phone told me so. Nancy had a 1100 Doctor’s appointment and then she was heading to the Gardens for her afternoon shift. I spend the afternoon doing a load of laundry, taking out the garbage and cleaning up. I took a very short nap. The temperature finally reached 30 so I took Ms P for her 1.25 mile walk. We will have a light dinner and watch some TV. We will also watch the final episode of “The Fall” on netflix. The weather folks say we will get freezing rain early this evening and then it will change to snow. Roads might be dicey tomorrow morning. I never tire reading my Great-grandfather Sanborn’s diary from 1938. On this date in Ossineke, MI, GGF noted that it was cold in the morning, 10. In the PM it warmed to 20. GGF noted that his back is feeling better from a recent fall.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday January 27, 2015

Tuesday January 27, 2015 Where are my blog files stored? This will be my 1,963rd posting. Can I lose the files? Got up this morning at 0630 without an alarm. Does this mean my body is shifting to Spring mode? Point of interest: since I lost 20 pounds doing chin-ups is much easier. Got to Panera by 0830 so I had an hour to read the WSJ. Can Greece really bring down the EU? Good grief it is slightly larger than Michigan. Who are the good guys in Syria? Are we spending billions to train the wrong guys? Why doesn’t anyone listen to me, Get out now! The pool was crowded this morning. The pool was also cold. I swam my 30’ and then took a long hot shower. Today was a nice winter’s day. Sunny with temps in the mid 20s. It was so nice I took the Taurus to the car wash. It was not an original idea. Nancy took Ms P to the beauty shop today. She got a bath and trim. The sidewalks in our area are in excellent condition. I am thinking of trying running again so today I took a walk and measured what I thought would be a safe run. My GPS said the run was a little under 2 miles. A perfect distance. I will try later this winter. I did take a short nap. In yesterday’s blog I mentioned our neighbor locking herself out of her condo. We provided assistance. Today Sonya brought over a nice bottle of wine. Nice gesture. Nancy made chili today. So tonight we are having Nancy’s world famous chili. Tonight we will read the GRP and watch NCIS before turning in.

Monday January 26, 2015

Alarm off at 0630. At home routine then Panera 0830. In pool at 0955, swam 30'. Ran errands: Looked for cargo pants at Bill and Paul's, no luck. Stopped at PO to mail package. Bought coffee at Kava. Every one asked where I have been. I told them about move. Bought lottery ticket at Meijer's. Got home at 1230. Nancy and I got in Taurus and headed to Rivertown Crossing Mall. Got lucky bought cargo pants at Yonkers and Eddie Bauer. Very cold today, Ms P stays inside. Next door neighbor Sonya stopped by and said she was locked out. She used our phone and called daughter. Daughter at nearby Walgreens. Drove her and she got key. Problem solved. Finished with two mile walk. Light dinner, news and Netflix.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunday January 25, 2015

Sunday January 25, 2015 The alarm goes off at 0700. Today is our Sunday swim day. Nancy is still under the weather so she did not go. The pool was very crowded this morning. Two swimmer in every lane except mine. Lucky me. After the swim I stopped at home and picked up Nancy. We headed to Meijer’s. Gas today was $1.97. I am always amazed at the vast supply of fresh fruits and vegetables available at Meijer’s especially in winter. When I was a boy we seldom had fresh fruits or vegetables in winter. Refrigerated trucks were not yet available. Every summer my mother would can fruits and vegetables for winter consumption. Once in a while my mother would be happy because she could buy a tomato raised in a hot house. This morning Nancy bought a hot house tomato. I did not think hot house tomatoes were grown any more. West Michigan use to be the center of hot house growers. The hot houses required vast amounts of natural gas to heat the houses. It became costly to compete with CA grown products. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I also had a waffle. I read the funnies and then took my mandatory Sunday nap. I found a pant that has a pocket big enough for my iPhone 6+. I stopped by Dick’s and asked if they had my size. The surly employee told me that if it is not on the rack they don’t have it. It turned cold and windy today. I took a three mile walk and the temperature was 19 but wind chill made it 9. I walked fast. I just had a nice FaceTime conversation with Debbie. She tried to help me get the super dooper headphone she got me to work, no luck. I just tried the head phones again and they worked. After dinner we will read the GRP, watch 60’ and then some network TV. Two inches of snow is predicted for tonight. Think Spring!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Saturday January 24, 2015

Saturday January 24, 2015 Nancy did not want to go out to breakfast this morning. I decided to walk to Sundance Grill for breakfast, 0.7 mi. We had dinner at Sundance last night and I left my tam. The nice folks at Sundance found the tam. I had their oatmeal breakfast. Lately I have been adding a scrambled egg to my oatmeal. It is very tasty. I learned about this practice from some nice elderly chinese-american women who were on our Vietnamese tour. They always put an egg in their oatmeal. I like. As soon as I got home from breakfast I took Ms P on her walk. Today the temperature was in the mid30s. It was dark and gloomy. I had several errands to run so I got in the C2 and headed out. First stop was Dunham’s Sports in Eastbrook. I found out that Dunhamj’s is no longer in Eastbrook. Next stop was Woodland Mall. I checked for cargo pants at both Sear’s and Penney’s. No luck. I stopped at MC Sports and again struck out. My final stop was Dick’s. I found the perfect pant. It had a pocket for my iPhone plus. However, they did not have my size. I had a quick lunch and then took a short nap. After the nap I spent some time on my computer checking email and my bank accounts. I finished the afternoon with a walk around the block. Nancy fixed a turkey roast for dinner tonight. It was very good. It is now 1920 and as soon as I finish this blog we will watch a netflix show. As I mentioned several days ago I put a salt block in our back yard. So far no deer have visited the block.

Friday January 23, 2015

Friday January 23, 2015 I overslept until 0715. I have to start setting the alarm. Quick calisthenics and breakfast so I could get to Panera by 0900. I have about 30’ minutes to read the WSJ because I head to MVP at 0930. I swam my 30 minutes. When I got home Nancy said that the GR Lighting Center Called and our light fixture was in. I got in the Cobalt and picked it up. We now have all the new lighting fixtures for out main floor. I called Dougherty Electric and told then we would like the fixtures installed in the next two weeks. The fixtures are for our dining, kitchen and living room. As soon as we have the fixture installed we will have to have the rooms painted. This will be a good project for February. I took Ms P on her walk and then had lunch. I took a quick nap. We are going out to dinner with the Nameys. They will stop by after dinner. I brought up the big coffee maker. It looked dirty so I cleaned it. I ran a jar of vinegar through it. I finished the afternoon with a walk around the block. We met the Namey’s at Sundance Grill at 1800. Sundance is only 0.7 miles from our condo. After dinner we stopped back at the condo. We fixed coffee and Nancy prepared a fruit cup. It was good. The Namey’s are good company. We spent several hours talking. Finished the evening watching a Netflix show. I got my 30 in today, I hope you did too.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Thursday January 22, 2015

True sign of winter, I sleep later. First thing Nancy heads to MVP. I do calisthenics and drive to Panera. Cannot get in pool until 1045 so have time to read WSJ. The economic summit in Davos and coup in Yemen dominates. Speaking of coup I had a front row seat for coup #1 in South Vietnam. Very frantic, Got in pool at 1045 and swam for 30'. The pool was cool. My lips were blue when I got out. Nancy is having lunch with Kathi today. When I got home put Ms P in car and headed to Tractor Supply store in Lowell. Bought a salt block for deer and a pair of farmer rubbers. At home put salt block outside ground floor slider. Hope it brings in deer. Took a short nap. Took Ms P on walk and then walked around block. Nancy and I had dinner at Panera. Watched news and now are watching "The Fall" on Netflix.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wednesday January 21, 2015

Wednesday January 21, 2015 It was snowing hard when I took Ms P out at 0600. Today is breakfast club, so I got in the Cobalt and headed downtown. I took the freeway because I thought it would be clearer than surface streets. It was pitch black and the freeway was snow covered. Needless to say it was a white knuckle drive. I was surprised that despite the weather we had a good turnout. Today’s speaker was a retired banker and he talked about a novel he had just written. The novel was about crooked bankers during the S&L scandal. Good Talk! I was surprised that most of the BC members who sit at my table did not listen to the President. I listened and agreed on several points but generally thought the President should have stopped talking at 20 minutes. Speaking of folks at the table, two members had birthdays last week, 88 and 89 years old. After BC I stopped at Starbucks in Breton Village for coffee and to read the WSJ. The Middle East still confuses me. Who are the good guys in Yemen? Do we need more ground troops in Syria or Iraq? I just wish we would cut our losses and leave the Middle East. Europe’s economy seems to generate a lot of WSJ coverage. I really don’t care if the EUB starts a QE program. Note the abbreviations. After my coffee I bought a snow shovel. I think that there is about 50 feet of sidewalk that I have to shovel. The condo association takes care of the rest. I can shovel 50 feet. The big drawer under our stove keeps falling apart. I finally figured out how to fix it. First I headed to ACE hardware to buy some bolts, nuts, a strip of brass and a metal drill bit. I made my repairs and it seemed to work except a bracket keeps pulling out. I head back to ACE and bought 4 wood screws, $0.09 ea). I put in the longer screws and it did the trick. To celebrate I took a walk around the block. We had a light dinner. Tonight we will watch some TV before turning in. We had our power go out this afternoon. I tried to call CPE but our phones were out also. I got the iPhone out and notified CPE via their web page of our outage. This is the first time that we have had a power outage. We have a huge garage door and without power I don't think I could lift the door manually. I finally decided that if needed I would call the Cascade Twp FD. The house was getting cold but after 90 minutes the power came back on. How is that for exciting?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday January 20, 2015

Tuesday January 20, 2015 Last night when I signed off on this blog our internet connection was lost. I got out our phone bill and found the number for ATT. We lose our connection about every six weeks. The nice tech had me running back and forth between our modem in the rafters and computer. After plugging and un plugging the modem and router we finally got it to work. Folks say I made a mistake using ATT when Comcast is faster and problem free. Nothing in the tech age is problem free. Speaking of tech problems we have Direct TV. Direct TV has a bad rap for losing service during bad weather. We have had several instances during snow that we have lost service. I just take a broom out to the deck and sweep the dish. Problem solved in seconds. The temps stayed below freezing all day. There was snow on the ground this morning. Nancy drove to MVP. I completed my calisthenics and then drove the Cobalt to Panera. After 1/2 hour at Panera I got back in the C2 and drove to MVP. This morning I swam 30 minutes. I think I pinch a nerve in my shoulder when I use the crawl because after swimming my arm tingles. Today I eliminated the crawl and only did the breast stroke. No tingles. I think the rotation of the shoulder joint while swimming the crawl pinches a nerve. A civil engineer giving a medical opinion. I bought a coffee at MVP and finished the WSJ. The MVP pool is cool and sometimes after the swim I have problems warming up. When I got home today I turned on the electric blanket and spent 30 minutes warming up. I then had lunch. I had a 1530 dentist appointment today. Had the teeth cleaned and of course they took X-rays and the dentist gave me a 30 second check up. The 30 seconds cost $96. I stopped at Meijer’s on my way home to pick up a prescription. The pills I take for my MG do not cost much. $9 for 120 pills. I take three a day. I finished the afternoon with a walk around the block. Nancy fixed spaghetti for dinner tonight. It was very good. Nancy said I liked it because she made the sauce before I was on my sugar free diet. A lot of sugar in the sauce. Tonight is the big SOTU address. Does anyone care? The President is poking a stick in Congress’s eye. Can’t these folks just get along.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday January 19, 2015

Monday January 19, 2015 The temperature has flatlined for the past 24 hours at 33. It was dark and gloomy all day. The good news is that the sidewalks are bare. Walking is easy. This morning Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to MVP. Nancy did the treadmill and I did calisthenics. The New Year resolution folks are still around. The place was really crowded. After MVP we headed home so Nancy could shower. I took Ms P on a nice long walk. No WSJ today because it is a holiday, MLK day. We finished the morning by going to Woodlawn Mall. Nancy bought several items for the grandkids. I bought two pair of khaki’s. Of course the khaki’s were several sizes smaller than my existing pants. I even had time to have a coffee at the mall’s Starbucks. For a Monday the mall was really crowded. I love to people watch. I had a quick lunch and then took a short nap. Nancy had a package she wanted mailed so I walked over to Meijer’s and mailed the package and bought stamps. I checked the pharmacy but my pills were not ready yet. It is now 1757 and I am heading up for a light dinner. Stay turned! We had dinner and then watched the news. Nothing on TV tonight so we will watch Netflix before turning in. Did you know we now have 31 more minutes of daylight? Think Spring!

Sunday January 18, 2015

Back to normal Sunday. First time this year at MVP. I swam, Nancy on treadmill. Bought supplies at Meijer's, gas was $1.87. Nancy fixed world famous poached eggs with waffles for breakfast. Read funnies and then took short nap. Took Ms P on her standard walk. Finished afternoon with two mile walk. Watched Packers game. First time this year I watched a full game. Big disappointment! Nancy fixed hot dogs and black beans for dinner. Now watching Colts/NE game. Will switch to Netflix at halftime. Thaw continued today. Temp above 32 all day. Winter returns tonight.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Saturday January 17, 2015

Up at 0630, breakfast at Anna's. We walked the mall for 30'. Stopped at Kohl's and then Costco. GR Costco does not carry 10 clam cam wine. At home started my laundry. Read WSJ. Fixed stove drawer. Took short nap. We are having our January thaw, high temp 40. Took Ms P on walk, first time this year. Finished afternoon with two mile walk. Fitbit went off. Dinner at Shepard's Grill. Grill popular with old folks. Netflix night!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Friday January 16, 2015

Friday January 16, 2015 Finally I think I have conquered the cold. Feeling much better today. I did the calisthenics at 100%. Kim came this morning to clean. After Nancy’s instructions to Kim we got in the car and headed to Woodland Mall. Today we are starting walking the mall. Yes folks Bob and Nancy are walking like all the other old folks. After our mall walk I grabbed my ipad and headed to Panera. The WSJ is covering the terror attacks in Europe pretty heavily. Do you understand what the Swiss Central Bank did to panic the stock markets? A lot of news coverage lately about a family that lets their young kids walk to school or around the block unattended. I say the woman who reported this as abusive should be sent to jail. Who needs these busy bodies. As a boy my sister and I walked unattended to school. We made this walk four times a day. The school was about 0.8 miles from home. Are we raising risk adverse kids? Helicopter parents should let go. I finished the day with a walk around the block. My fitbit went off on my walk. I got my 30 in today did you?

Thursday January 15, 2015

Thursday January 15, 2015: Happy Birthday Debbie. I remember your birth clearly. It was a Friday and after I took your Mom to Sequoia Hospital I had to go to an all night store to get a check cashed so I could pay for the birth, $100. You were the first and it was a new and frightening experience for me. I did not have any experience with babies. How do I hold you and a lot of other questions entered my mind. Your Mother was a great teacher. I must say that fathers of my generation had it much easier than the current generation. Today the below zero weather ended. In fact the temp got to 30 today. Our colds are getting better. It is a very slow process. I did my normal morning routine, calisthenics and then coffee at Panera. I cannot ride my bike because of the snow so I have been walking a lot. Cascade Township is very good about plowing their sidewalks. After Panera I walked to Macatawa Bank to get some money so we can pay Kim our cleaner tomorrow. I also stopped by a tailor so see about the cost of putting suspender buttons on trousers. It cost $16 a pair. I am going to ask Nancy to show me how I can do the job. I have lost so much weight I need suspenders to hold up the britches. When I got home I got in the Cobalt and headed to Woodlawn Mall. This is the first time I have driven the Cobalt this year. I was looking for some pants that had a pocket big enough to hold my iPhone 6+. I did not find any. After lunch I took a short nap and then took a walk around the block. I have been wearing my fitbit every day. I am trying to get 10,000 steps per day. I do not have any problems reaching this goal. For a change we had TV dinners tonight. Not bad. We will watch netlfix this evening before turning in. Think Spring!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wednesday January 14, 2015

Wednesday January 14, 2015 My easy Wednesday, no breakfast club, I slept in until 0730. I am feeling much better. It got to -13 last night. The coldest night of the season. I did do some calisthenics but only at 50%. Nancy wanted me to pick up some medicine at Costco. The order was not filled so I walked over to Starbucks and read the WSJ. Gas today was $1.77 at Costco. The average joe is getting a break with low gas prices but the stock market tanks. Go figure. I only got 1 of two prescriptions filled because Costco wanted to talk to Nancy’s doctor. I headed home. Tomorrow is garbage and recycle day. I recently bought an electric heater for my downstairs office. I think the corrugated cardboard packaging weighted more than the heater. It took me 45 minutes to break down the cardboard boxes. Costco finally called that the second prescription was ready. I hurried over picked it up. Today I bought some Win Schuler soft cheese at Costco. It has low sugar and met my diet requirements. Speaking of diet, my weight is now below 150. This is the lowest it has been since 1977. I finished the afternoon with a 30 minute walk around the block. We had a light dinner and will watch some TV and netflix before turning in.

Tuesday January 13, 2015

Tuesday January 13, 2015 Record cold this morning. The car temperature gauge said -7. Nancy had some errands to run early today. Our colds are getting better. Took a day off from exercise to help the healing process. WSJ was dominated by the terror attack in Paris. I think every US news agency had folks in Paris. It was good to see Ohio State win the national championship. Take that SEC. I had a 6” sub for dinner. Turned the blanket up high because we are expecting record low temperatures again tonight. Ms P has real problems with the extreme cold. Her feet get cold and several times we had to pick her up and carry her inside. Tried booties but that did not work. I did not get my 30 in today but my fitbit did go off.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday January 12, 2015

January 12, 2014 It is catch up time. My last blog was December 22, 2014 from LA. The following is a brief summary of our activities since December 22. Tuesday December 23, Jet lag so I am up early for coffee at Starbucks in Brentwood. After coffee I take Missy to the UCLA Health Center. Missy is having an operation on her sinuses. We get to the center about 1000. The operation takes about 2 hours. The Doctor told me the operation was a success. Missy is on pain medicine so she cannot drive until next Monday. After some time in the recovery room I drive Missy home. Missy must take it easy no bending or exercise and she must sleep with her head elevated. Tuesday December 24, Christmas Eve. Nancy and I took AJ to Century City mall. AJ and I saw a movie, The Penguins, and Nancy did some shopping. Wednesday, Christmas Day: I was surprised but AJ slept in. When she woke up we opened presents. She did quite well. We did talk to Debbie and Steve’s family. They spent Christmas with Debbie in San Jose. Thursday through Sunday we hung out with Missy and AJ. Missy is beginning to feel better. I don’t think Missy enjoys sleeping on the couch with her head elevated. Just a note that during our two weeks in CA I did not exercise. I did wear my fitbit and made sure I got my 10,000 steps in each day. Monday December 29, today is the day that Missy has the packing removed from her sinuses. The first thing she said was I can breath. Everything is looking up. In the afternoon AJ, Nancy and I head to Bubba Gump’s in Long Beach. We met Debbie, Lucas and Alessandra for lunch. After lunch we visited the Long Beach Aquarium. A good time was had by all. We stopped by Steve’s to drop off Debbie and the kids and stayed for dinner. This was the first meeting of the Scott cousins. After dinner AJ, Nancy and I headed to the Hampton Inn in Carson. We choose this location because of its easy access to freeways. On a good day we can get to either Steve’s or Missy’s in about 40 minutes. We will stay at the Hampton until we depart next Monday. Tuesday Debbie came over and she had the chance to spend some time with AJ. We had lunch at Chili’s and dinner at Panera. Debbie spent the night. Wednesday morning Debbie left early. It was very cold in LA and there was the possibility of ice on the grapevine. She made it home without any problems. We took AJ in the afternoon to a place that had many inflatable jumpers. The place was jammed with kids. Missy came down and spent New Years Eve with us. We had dinner at the Olive Garden. New Years Day, Missy and AJ left in the morning and Nancy and I visited a mall in Costa Mesa. We both have come down with bad colds. Friday, we drove to LB to pick up Alessandra and Lucas. We had breakfast at Polly’s and then went to a movie. We saw Anne. The afternoon was spent playing games and Alessandra and I visited a park. We babysat while Steve and Veronica went to a movie. We ordered a Papa John’s pizza. Saturday was an easy day. Sunday we visited Steve’s in the PM and had an early dinner at a local deli. Lucas had a 1900 BB game. We watched his team win. Lucas played with a lot of confidence. Monday: we are taking the red eye back to GR. Our flight leaves at 2330. We stopped at Missy’s and had lunch at the 3rd Street Mall in Santa Monica. We left for LAX about 1500. Monday/Tuesday the flight went off without a hitch. I did not get much sleep on the plane. We arrived in GR about 1000. Our first action as soon as we unpacked was to go to Meijer’s to get supplies. Tuesday through Sunday: We both crashed and spent time recovering from our colds. No MVP this week. Monday January 12: I did my at home calisthenics and even rowed 2K. After, I visited Panera for coffee and to read WSJ. Nancy met some ex Blodgett gift shop women for lunch at the Omelette Shop. I took a nap and ended the day with a walk around the block. Petunia came home last Thursday. It has been so cold that we have not been able to walk outside. Recored lows are expected tonight.

Monday December 22, 2014

Travel day: Up at 0600 make final check of house. Taxi arrives at 0715. Flight to Denver went smooth. At Denver got call from alarm company that ground floor motion detector went off. Police were called but no entry. Continued on to LA. Picked up rental and headed to Missy's Condo. Great to see Missy and AJ. Temperature was 70 and sunny. Dinner at Pizza Kitchen. Jet lag forced us to bed at 2100.

Sunday December 21, 2014

Swim morning, Nancy and I shared a lane. No Meijer's groceries today, gas was $2.40. World famous poached eggs for breakfast. Took nap, then went to Mall bought walking shoes. At Home Depot bought wood dowels to use as stops for glass sliders. Finished packing. For dinner finished beans and rice. Watched TV and read GRP before turning in. Good news winter solstice today, days getting longer.