Friday, June 1, 2012

Thursday May 31, 2012

I cannot believe that this is the last day of May already. This is my favorite time of year with long days and temperatures not too hot. We had a cold front move in yesterday and the temperature this morning was in the high 40s. I left for the MAC at 0845. Today I rode my road bike because the AT is at the shop getting tuned up. The weather folks said we had a 90% chance of rain this morning so I wore my rain coat. Thursday is my tri day and I completed the row, run, swim in normal times. This Saturday the OHNA is having a garage sale. Nancy wants to use my side of the garage to store stuff we are selling. I was suppose to move my car out of the garage before I went to the MAC. I forgot so after the MAC I headed home and moved said car. I then headed to the Kava House. I continue to read about the troubles in Europe. Did you know that Greece is smaller in area than MI and we have the same population? When I got home I had a quick lunch and then started bringing garage sale items upstairs to the garage. After this chore I headed to GR Bicycle Co to pick up my bike. This evening Nancy and I are going to St George's Hall on the west side for hamburgers. We are meeting several other couple there. St George's Hall was crowded. They had great hamburgers and they only cost $5.00. We spent about two hours eating, talking and drinking beer. Actually I was drinking beer, Nancy had wine. We got home at 2030. We watched "Person of Interest" before going to bed.

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