Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thursday June 7, 2012

The weather man said it was going to be warm and sunny. He was right. You can tell the warm weather has set in because the bike racks at the MAC and Kava House were full. For the first time this year I wore shorts. This being Thursday I did the tri. The pool was empty when I started and it was empty when I finished 23' later. I got to the Kava House at 1200 and I finished reading the WSJ and DFP at 1300. This was a record time for me. The Kava House is selling MI Honey so I brought my mason jar and bought 1.5 pounds of honey. 1.5 pounds is about 12 ounces. Stay tuned for my evaluation. After a quick lunch we all got in the Taurus and ran some errands. Our first stop was Home Depot. Nancy purchased some herbs but I struck out. We then stopped at Costco and purchased several items. Finally we stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond to get some furniture polish and coffee filter. They had the polish but no filters. I spent some time this afternoon packing for my trip tomorrow to Ohio. On Sunday Missy, AJ and I are going on a bike ride through Amish Country. We will either ride 25 or 50 miles. I think 25 miles wins. For dinner we headed to Great Lakes Shipping. We sat outside and it was very pleasant. This year the Thursday night entertainment does not start until 1900. We are done eating by 1830. It is now 1930 and I will take a short walk. Maybe Ms P will join me. Nancy has to pay bills. At 2100 we will watch "A Person of Interest".

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