Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monday June 18, 2012

Monday morning and the first Monday of my new summer schedule. The weather folks say that the heavy rain will be north of us. I won't know what to do until Nancy calls Dr Kutsche and makes an appointment. I do my exercises and when I came up at 0800 Nancy tells me that her appointment is at 1120. I decide to stay near home so I get on my bike and plan on riding around Reeds Lake until 1030. I was starting on my 2nd trip around the Lake when it started to rain. Boy did it rain. It rained so hard that I had trouble seeing the road. In places on the roads the water was 4" deep. I headed home and was thoroughly soaked when I arrived. I went downstairs and threw all my clothes in the wash. It took me an hour to bike 11.7 miles. This was a good time for pedaling in EGR. At 1100 Ms P and I took Nancy to see Dr. Kutsche. I stayed in the car and read the WSJ on the Kindle. When Nancy came out she said that she needed to get a blood test done. The Lab was nearby. After the Lab we came home. I had a quick lunch and then headed to Meijer's to get Nancy's prescriptions filled. Nancy still cannot eat solid food so I got her a large bottle of diet Sprite. The doctor said she needed to drink a lot of liquids. Later in the afternoon I took a two mile walk. I had cereal for dinner. Nancy headed to bed at 2000. I followed at 2100. June 1960: I just found a card I sent my mother on my trip from Ann Arbor to my job in Vermont. I had a ride to Vermont but the guy backed out. I was going to hitchhike but the day before I was to leave two fraternity brothers talked me into going to the horse track with them. On the seventh race we each bet $2 on a horse named "Will of Allah". The horse was a 20-1 shot and my cut was $42.60. That night we had dinner at Weber's and beer at the Pretzel Bell. The next day I could afford to take the train to Albany, NY and a bus to Montpelier. I reported to work on Monday as scheduled.

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