Monday, June 18, 2012

Saturday June 16, 2012

I had to get Ms P up at 0400. My clock seems to be off lately. Nancy finally woke me up at 0700. I had breakfast at "Bill's". When I got home I put on my bike riding pants and headed out. Today I am going to try a new route. I started west on Hall Street, crossed US131 and turned left on Godfrey. I stayed on Godfrey to Chestnut and followed Chestnut until I got to the new bike trail on the old AARR. This is a new trail that uses existing RR bridges over Market Ave and the Grand River. It connects to the trail through the old Butterworth Dump that connects to Kent Trails. I followed Kent Trail west and south to the trail that runs along the new M6 highway. I followed this trail east until after some detours I ended up at the intersection of M6 and Kalamazoo Ave. I followed Kalamazoo Ave home. I traveled 32 miles and it took me 3 hours. After my shower Nancy and I headed to the Art fair being held in Gas Light Village. This is an annual affair and it seems that it is held on a very hot humid day. We walked around the fair but did not make a purchase. I did take a short nap this afternoon. About 1700 we were ready to go out when a thunder storm came crashing through town. Ms P went bonkers. Nancy has been feeling poorly today and she really did not want to go out or leave Ms P. I got in the C2 and drove to the Subway on Lake Drive and bought a 12" turkey breast. I got wet from the heavy rain but it did not last long. After eating my sub and watching the news I took Ms P for a walk around the block. It is now 2020 and Nancy just went to bed. I will watch some TV before retiring. No MAC tomorrow because we are having a Father's Day Brunch. Speaking of Father's Day, Debbie called me today to wish me a Happy Father's Day. Debbie was driving to the SF Airport. She is on her way to China.

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