Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday June 15, 2012

The last week has been great. I especially liked the nice long days and warm sunny weather. The sun comes up at 0603 and sets at 2123. Here is an update on my activities since last Friday. Friday June 8, 2012: Today I am going to Lakewood, OH to visit Missy and AJ. I did my at home exercise routine and then got in the C2 and headed south on US 131. It has been quite awhile since I have driven this route. I pass through Schoolcraft, Three Rivers and Constantine. In September 1928 my mother, Maggie Hughes started her teaching career in Constantine. She often spoke of how much she liked the town and people. As soon as I crossed into IN I got on the Indiana Turnpike. I stayed on the IT until the end and then I got on the OH Turnpike. It was a nice day for a ride. I got to Missy's house about 1600. After unpacking I took Missy and AJ out to dinner. I love the neighborhood bars along Detroit Ave. Tonight we ate at the Rush Inn. They had their Friday night fish fry and I had fish and fries. After dinner was walked next door to a new ice cream parlor and had a cone. Saturday June 9, 2012: This morning I got up and walked to a coffee shop in Rocky River. I read the WSJ and DFP. On my walk home I ran into Missy and AJ. I got in the car and we headed to Duncan Donuts. After the donuts we headed back home and Missy showed me some cleanup projects she wanted me to help her with. Missy and AJ are moving to LA, CA at the end of the month. Missy has removed a lot of stuff from her house. In fact her first floor is devoid of any furniture. Our first project is to clean to basement and repair a drain line. We headed to Lowes and purchased some PVC pipe and fittings. I did make the drain repair with no problem. We then started scrapping loose paint off the basement walls. This was not too successful because the bricks were too soft. We did give the basement a good sweeping. I also tried to unplug a sink drain. I was not successful. For dinner we had pizza at Danny Boy's. We headed to bed early because tomorrow we go on our big bike ride. Sunday June 10, 2012: Everyone is up at 0600 because today is the big ride. We load up the bikes and head to Burton, OH the start of the ride. We did stop at a McDonald's so I could get an Egg McMuffin and a coffee. We picked up our registration packet and by 0815 we had started the ride. The sun was shining and the temperature was still in the low 70s. The ride is through rolling farmland. Most of the farms are Amish so we saw a lot of horses. This is the fourth time Missy and I had done this ride. The ride is sponsored by the Cleveland Bike Club and is called "A Sunday in June". Today there were 1,100 riders. Missy was the only rider out of 1,100 that had a passenger. It took me 2h28' to ride 28 miles. I think AJ enjoyed seeing all the farm animals. After we finished the ride a pasta meal was provided. AJ and I liked the lemonade and cookies. When we got home I showered and took a short nap. It was very hot. For dinner we ate at the "Around the Corner" bar. We sat outside and I had a very good hamburg and beer. AJ fell asleep so Missy put two chairs together and she slept through the meal. It was Sunday evening but the place was jammed. After dinner we stopped at a Dairy Bar for ice cream. The ice cream place was very crowded. Ice Cream is really good on a hot summer day. Monday June 11, 2012: Today is a travel day. I left Lakewood around 0800. AJ was going to school today. As soon as I got on the Ohio Turnpike it started to rain and it rained hard until I got to Michigan. I did stop at Cabela's in Dundee, MI. Cabela's was crowded. I did not buy anything. When I got home I got out the mower and mowed the grass. I did not have time to edge or trim. I was happy to see Nancy and Ms P. We watched 60 minutes and read the GRP before going to bed. Tuesday June 12, 2012: I went back to the normal Tuesday routine. I think I recently commented on the change I made to my TU/TH schedule. I now row 2,000 meters, run 1 mile and I increased my swim distance from 750 to 1,000 yards. I ended up at the Kava House and read the WSJ and DFP. After a quick lunch I got out the weed eater and trimmed and edged the lawn. I did watch NCIS before going to bed. Wednesday June 13, 2012: Today is Breakfast Club and I got up at 0555. The speaker was a retired history professor from GRCC. He also is Greek. His talk was about the current situation in Greece. He did not paint a rosy picture. After the meeting I stopped at home to change my clothes. I then rode my bike to the Kava House. I spent about an hour getting depressed while reading the WSJ and DFP. In the afternoon I took my bike rack to a blacksmith shop to get some work done. I also took a short nap this afternoon. Nancy was working at Meijer's Garden. I did walk 3 miles later in the afternoon. At 1730 I got in the C2 and headed to Fred's to meet Tom Moleski for pizza and beer. Nancy has book club. Thursday June 14, 2012: I did my summer tri today and ended up at the Kava House. I was glad to see the City of Detroit got a stupid law suit thrown out and now the Emergency Committee can now start getting Detroit's finances in order. I still don't understand why Greece is important? I picked up my bike rack and installed the kayak rack. I now have a multi use rack. Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. We read the GRP and watched "A Person of Interest" before retiring. Friday June 15, 21012: I did not go to the MAC today. Instead I did my exercises at home. No aerobics. I loaded the kayak on the new rack and headed to Gun Lake. The park was very crowded. I spent 2 hours on the lake. My average time for a mile is 23'. I paddled 5 miles. It is now 90⁰ but the house is actually comfortable. Tonight we are going to Sundance for dinner. We both had a salad. On our way home we stopped at Meijer's to get some fruit. Sunday Nancy is fixing a Father Day's Brunch for six. We sat outside and read until it started getting dark. Nancy went to bed but I stayed up and watched "O' Brother Where Art Thou". I love this movie especially the music. At 2200 I went to bed.

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