Thursday, September 1, 2011

Wednesday August 31, 2011

The last day of August and the weather man said it will rain this morning. Despite his prediction I chance and ride the retro to Bill's. I was pedaling down Michigan when I felt some raindrops. I put the bike in high gear (I now have 5 speeds) and got to Bill's before it started. I think it rained for about 15'. I had Bill's weekday special and read the papers. European banks and hurricane damage dominate the news.

51 years ago I spent a summer working for the Vermont Highway Dept. It was a great job. I stayed in several of the areas that experienced severe flood damage. I spent about 3 weeks working in Brattleboro.

I got home about 1000 and immediately got out the mower. I cut, trimmed and edged the grass. I was surprised at how green and long the grass was. Usually this time of year the grass has turned brown and growth is retarded. After my weekly yard work I took a shower and then a short nap. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon.

I had oatmeal for dinner tonight. Nancy had watermelon. We watched the news and read the GRP. I did take a 1 mile walk about 1930. We were heading upstairs at 2100 when I thought I would check the History Channel. A program about Gettysburg was on. Needless to say I did not go to bed until 2230. I have been telling myself that I must be in bed by 2130 so I can get up at 0600. This morning I got up at 0700. This, lately, has been my standard get up time.

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