Friday, September 9, 2011

Thursday September 8, 2011

Written Friday 9 Sep: Thursday and the day started very cool. I still wore shorts but I did put on a jacket and sweater. Thursday is my tri day. I did my row, run, swim routine. Of course after the MAC I pedaled to the Kava House and read my papers. The President's speech was a main topic in the papers.

After the MAC I had a quick lunch and because it looked like rain I headed upstairs. I worked on the family tree, read my mail and worked on the OHNA street light project. I recorded my latest inspection into the excel file. I also called the ex city manager of GR, Joe Zainea. Joe lived in the OHNA at the time the street lights were put in and had some data that I needed. Joe recalled the project and gave me some names to call.

Nancy and I plan on visiting her sister in NY's finger lakes area so I walked over to the post office and got a stop mail form. For dinner we visited Great Lakes Shipping. After dinner we stopped at an ATM and then drove to Toy'sRUs to look at some game that Lucas might want for his birthday. It is call Byblades for something like that. It is a must have game for all male 5 year olds. We got home before the President speech. I grabbed the GRP and fell asleep. I slept for over an hour. When I got up the Packers game was on so I watched the first half before retiring.

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