Monday, September 12, 2011

Sunday September 11, 2011

The alarm goes off at 0655. Today Nancy, with three other buyers for the hospital gift shop, are going to a Vendor's show in Detroit. I will have to go swimming alone. I swam for 45 minutes. For breakfast I went to the Omelet Shop in Breton Village. After breakfast I stopped by Walgreen to see if they had flu shots. They did but I would have to pay because they do not take insurance. So I came home and starting reading the GRP. After completing several sections I headed upstairs to take my afternoon nap.

After the nap I started changing the tires on my retro bike. I am putting on smaller tires, 26" x 1.95". The existing tires (beach or ballon) are 26" x 2.25" and carry 40 psi. The smaller tires carry 65 psi. The higher tire pressure makes a bike easier to pedal. I had to adjust the speedometer also because the distance travelled is different. After the change I took the bike on a spin. It is exactly 1.0 miles from the house to the south entrance to Aquinas College. The speedometer read 1.0 miles.

Nancy got home about 1600. For dinner I fixed a PB&J. We watched some tennis and football plus 60 minutes. We headed upstairs at 2100.

Today is the 10th anniversary of the attack on 9/11/01. I remember the day. It was a beautiful fall day. I was just leaving the MAC when I saw the Today show saying that a plane had crashed into the WTC. Today thought that it might be a small plane that had lost its way. When I got to the McKay Tower office Jennifer had a TV on and we watched the tragedy unfold for several hours. It was a sad day for the USA.

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