Saturday, September 3, 2011

Thursday September 1, 2011

Today I did my 15'-15'-15' routine at the MAC. It has been hot lately and most stores have been jacking up their AC. If you are staying any length of time one can get really chilled. I hate air conditioning. Yes we have our AC on. We keep it at 74.

I ran several errands in the afternoon. At 1700 Nancy and I head to Woodland Mall. Nancy has a 1830 class at the Apple store. We have a quick dinner at Olga's in the Mall. The Apple class is on the use of the ipad. The class consists of five women all about Nancy's age. I stood behind Nancy's shoulder and watched. The class lasted 90 minutes. I think it was a good class. Nancy took a lot of notes.

We got home in time for me to have a beer and read the GRP. We headed upstairs at 2130.

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