Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday September 12, 2011

I get up at 0700 and head to the MAC. Today is my busiest day at the MAC. However, I was done by 1015. At the Kava House I spent time reading articles on the European Banking Problem. I think I am beginning to understand the problem. I also read about Israel's problem with Turkey and Egypt. It could turn out to be very serious for both Israel and the US.

The WSJ loves to report on the failure of the President's efforts to support green energy like solar, wind and ethanol by giving them huge subsidies. It is not working.

Every week we hear about oil companies finding new oil and gas fields. Last week it was a huge find off the coast of French Guiana. BP has discovered another large field in the Gulf. The oil shale in PA and WV continues to be developed. North Dakota cannot find enough workers for its oil fields. It is enough to give the Greenies a migraine.

I got home about 1245 and after a quick lunch I ran several errands. I got my C2 washed and stopped by several health clinics to see if they give flu shots. I keep hearing go to Walgreen.

Tonight was cereal night. We also watched the news and at 2000 I started watching the football game. About 2015 I decided I needed some air so I took a 1 mile walk. It was a beautiful evening for a walk. We have a bright full moon and the temperature is 72. This might be the last night that I can walk in a tee shirt. We have a cold front moving in. It is now 2112 and I am signing off. Good night.

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